So I've put the tags up as I mentioned a while ago... these last-shared-commits 
marked with these tags.   (i.e. last same-commit-used between master and many 

These now mark all the points on the trunk/master line of commits.   As 
complicated as this revision history is, this does help anyone navigate the 
line of commits to see how compatible any change is versus any others in the 
master-branch line.   There aren't that many and they're named unambiguously at 

  *   tag-2.5.2
  *   tag-2.5.2.beta1
  *   tag-2.5.x-perl
  *   tag-2.6.0
  *   tag-2.6.0.beta2
  *   tag-2.6.1
  *   tag-3.1.x
  *   tag-3.2.0.beta1
  *   tag-3.2.x
  *   tag-3.3.x
  *   tag-3.4.x
  *   tag-3.5.x

Beyond these, out in each branch for each version, there are many many more ... 
and they're named with "subtag" to clarify that they didn't get contributed to 
the master (not directly).   Here's the ones based on the zmanda and community 
release-tags explicitly.   Any named with "-stub" signifies that nothing more 
exists downstream of this tag by itself.  Any with .rel after the name implies 
it exists as the patch-level-0 among other tags with patch-levels or QA-levels.

  *   subtag-community-3.3.1
  *   subtag-community-3.3.2
  *   subtag-community-3.3.4
  *   subtag-community-3.3.6
  *   subtag-community-3.3.7
  *   subtag-community-3.3.7.qa02-stub
  *   subtag-community-3.3.7.qa03-stub
  *   subtag-community-3.3.7.rel-p1
  *   subtag-community-3.3.8
  *   subtag-community-3.3.9
  *   subtag-community-3.4.1
  *   subtag-community-3.4.2
  *   subtag-community-3.4.3
  *   subtag-community-3.4.4
  *   subtag-community-3.4.5
  *   subtag-community-3.4.rel
  *   subtag-community-3.5
  *   subtag-community-3.5.1
  *   subtag-community-3_4.rel
  *   subtag-zmanda-3.3.0.rel
  *   subtag-zmanda-3.3.1.qa01
  *   subtag-zmanda-3.3.1.qa02-stub
  *   subtag-zmanda-3.3.1.rel
  *   subtag-zmanda-3.3.2.rel
  *   subtag-zmanda-3.3.3
  *   subtag-zmanda-3.3.4
  *   subtag-zmanda-3.3.5
  *   subtag-zmanda-3.3.6.rel
  *   subtag-zmanda-3.3.7.qa01-stub
  *   subtag-zmanda-3.3.7.qa02-stub
  *   subtag-zmanda-3.3.7.qa03-stub
  *   subtag-zmanda-3.3.7.rel
  *   subtag-zmanda-3.4
  *   subtag-zmanda-3.5.rel
  *   subtag-zmanda-3_3_2.rel
  *   subtag-zmanda-3_5.rel


As a request to everyone, I'd like to remove a set of stub-branches that are 
named "tag/N_N_N" and contain no commits.  In their place we'd have the 
git-style tags (named with "subtag-*").   Note that this is not all of the 
tags/* branches!

Why choose a subset of them?  Each of those branches listed in my attachment 
has exactly *1* commit and no changed files at all.  They are just leftovers 
from Subversion and can be discarded with no loss except the log message (I 
guess?) as they changed no files.  Most of these non-branch-branches don't even 
represent a real release of Amanda that ever happened.

Erasing branches is rather serious, but in this case we lose precisely nothing, 
I believe.  The git-style tags references can be used instead and are much 
clearer.  [I'd prefer to rename "tag-*" for off-master and "subtag-*" for 
off-release-branch but only with a consensus.]

    -- CH

On 4/10/19 8:50 AM, Chris Hassell wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Chapman Flack <><>

On 4/10/19 10:35 AM, Chris Hassell wrote:

As we move from SVN to Git I'm hoping to add real git "Tags"
(symbolic names for commits) so that we can get descriptive names
(using "git describe") for every possible point in the repository.


Are you planning to tag just the commits that correspond to numbered
releases? That's a very common approach and definitely useful. (For
example, github will automagically populate its "Releases" page from
commits that have tags, or at least maybe tags of a certain form.)

For exactly that reason, it might be confusing to add a lot of tags for, hm,
interesting moments in development that weren't actual releases.

[Chris Hassell]
Agreed.  In this case the situation is more complex.

The ties to SVN make it so that there are not merely *zero* tags present 
anywhere, but that every 'branch-head' which SVN used as a tag has a fork-point 
(a commit parent of two child commits) that is wholly unnamed.  Many of these 
'tag-forks' are simply the last-modification-before-a-release and the release 
itself is a branch where the "tag" was applied and the ChangeLog file was 
altered to show this.

My intention is to simply name that fork-point for *only* the tags that we have 
present from SVN.  No need to clutter with thousands of others.   As well these 
fork-points are ambiguous with the tag-branches we have now so they must be 
named differently anyway.   I hope to name them something clear-enough like 
"tag-3.1-trunk" or somesuch.   I don't want to clutter the namespace but we do 
need exact names to keep track, for history and for the future.

For the day-to-day details of what was going on in the many individual
commits between one release and the next, one hopes the commit
messages themselves will give that information.

[Chris Hassell] Having just one (recent) point that shows up in git, labelling 
a branch in its history, would be all we need.  No need for extra, I agree.

It's also possible to create a branch at any time, starting at any historical
point. If you add no new commits to the new 'branch', it can also function as
a new descriptive name for the point in history that it points to ... and github
won't automatically confuse it with a release.

[Chris Hassell] Yes certainly.  I have made several and, as well, don't want to 
make them ambiguous or confusing against real releases.

  gitk --all

will give you a nice display of the history showing what branches point
where, what was merged when, and so on.

[Chris Hassell] I love that view.  I go big and do "gitk --branches --tags 
--all" ... because those are passed on to "git log".

On 4/5/19 8:20 PM, Chris Hassell wrote:

If you merge with it in your own repo ("
git checkout origin/tags/community_3_5_1;  git merge
mergeable-trunk_buildfix_base; " ... it should put in some improvements
that may help.

[Chris Hassell] This was, I should note, merely put in until we may consider 
the pull-requests.  I'm trying to get to those.  Being one of the main 
CM-and-old-old-C-debugging guys at BETSOL has kept me in demand!

If I were doing that in my own repo, I would add a middle step where I create
a branch with a new name (initially pointing to the same point in history as
community_3_5_1), and then do the merge there.
That way, I don't end up with a branch in my repo called
community_3_5_1 that has extra stuff on it, and can no longer be sync'd with
the upstream.

I was thinking I may add a tool in for that.  Ideally a 
build-with-merge-mixin-options is a bit of a silly option for the long term... 
but it does work for now.   If we have other configuration-changes we may do 
that.   In theory any build should be identified by its peak commit and this 
merge should make a distinct but repeatable commit name.  Maybe that can be the 
basis of naming a new branch with a "merge mixin".

That situation can always be sorted after the fact (as can most things in git)
with the right number of resets and rebases, but in my early stages with git, I
found that to be a bit daunting.

[Chris Hassell] Resets and merges are ... always possible but we've seen that 
Git doesn't like them as much as a smooth fast-forward line of commits.

Easier to just make up a new branch name and experiment there (and even
just delete the whole branch if things go wobbly).

[Chris Hassell] As they do.  :->


tags/3_1_0_beta1              subtag-3.1.0.beta1
tags/3_1_0_beta2              subtag-3.1.0.beta2
tags/3_1_0_mac01              subtag-3.1.0.rel
tags/3_1_0_rc01               subtag-3.1.0.rc01
tags/3_1_0_rc02               subtag-3.1.0.rc02
tags/3_1_0_rc03               subtag-3.1.0.rc03
tags/3_1_0_rc04               subtag-3.1.0.rc04
tags/3_1_0_rc05               subtag-3.1.0.rc05
tags/3_1_0_rc06               subtag-3.1.0.rc06
tags/3_1_0_rc07               subtag-3.1.0.rc07
tags/3_1_0_rc08               subtag-3.1.0.rc08
tags/3_1_0_rc09               subtag-3.1.0.rc09
tags/3_1_0_rc10               subtag-3.1.0.rc10
tags/3_1_0_rc11               subtag-3.1.0.rc11
tags/3_1_0_rc12               subtag-3.1.0.rc12
tags/3_1_0_rc13               subtag-3.1.0.rc13
tags/3_1_0_rc14               subtag-3.1.0.rc14
tags/3_1_0_rc15               subtag-3.1.0.rc15
tags/3_1_0_rc16               subtag-3.1.0.rc16
tags/3_1_0_rc17               subtag-3.1.0.rc17
tags/3_1_0_rc18               subtag-3.1.0.rc18
tags/3_1_0_rc19               subtag-3.1.0.rc19
tags/3_1_0_rc20               subtag-3.1.0.rc20
tags/3_1_0_rc21               subtag-3.1.0.rc21
tags/3_1_0_rc22               subtag-3.1.0.rc21
tags/3_1_0_rc23               subtag-3.1.0.rc23
tags/3_1_0_rc24               subtag-3.1.0.rc24
tags/3_1_0_rc25               subtag-3.1.0.rc25
tags/3_1_0_rc26               subtag-3.1.0.rc26
tags/3_1_0_rc27               subtag-3.1.0.rc27
tags/3_1_0_rc28               subtag-3.1.0.rc28
tags/3_1_0_rc29               subtag-3.1.0.rc29
tags/3_1_0_rc30               subtag-3.1.0.rc30
tags/3_1_0_rc31               subtag-3.1.0.rc31
tags/3_1_0_rc32               subtag-3.1.0.rc32
tags/3_1_0_rc33               subtag-3.1.0.rc33
tags/3_1_0_rc34               subtag-3.1.0.rc34
tags/3_1_0_rc35               subtag-3.1.0.rc35
tags/3_1_0_rc36               subtag-3.1.0.rc36
tags/3_1_0_rc38               subtag-3.1.0.rc37-stub
tags/3_1_0_rc39               subtag-3.1.0.rc37-stub
tags/3_1_0_rc40               subtag-3.1.0.rc40
tags/3_1_0_rc41               subtag-3.1.0.rc41
tags/3_1_0_rc42               subtag-3.1.0.rc42
tags/3_1_0_rc43               subtag-3.1.0.rc43
tags/3_1_0_rc44               subtag-3.1.0.rc44
tags/3_1_0_rc45               subtag-3.1.0.rc45
tags/3_1_0_rc46               subtag-3.1.0.rc46
tags/3_1_0_rc47               subtag-3.1.0.rc47
tags/3_1_0_rc48               subtag-3.1.0.rc48
tags/3_1_0_rc49               subtag-3.1.0.rc49
tags/3_1_0_rc50               subtag-3.1.0.rc50
tags/3_1_0_rc51               subtag-3.1.0.rc51
tags/3_1_0_rc52               subtag-3.1.0.rc51
tags/3_1_0_rc53               subtag-3.1.0.rc53
tags/3_1_0_rc54               subtag-3.1.0.rc53
tags/3_1_0_rc55               subtag-3.1.0.rc55
tags/3_1_0_rc56               subtag-3.1.0.rc56
tags/3_1_0_rc57               subtag-3.1.0.rc56
tags/3_1_0_rc58               subtag-3.1.0.rc56
tags/3_1_0_rc59               subtag-3.1.0.rc56
tags/3_1_0_rc60               subtag-3.1.0.rc60
tags/3_1_0_rc61               subtag-3.1.0.rc61
tags/3_1_0_rc62               subtag-3.1.0.rc62
tags/3_1_0_rc63               subtag-3.1.0.rc62
tags/3_1_0_rc64               subtag-3.1.0.rc64
tags/3_1_0_rc65               subtag-3.1.0.rc65
tags/3_1_0_rc66               subtag-3.1.0.rc66
tags/3_1_0_rc67               subtag-3.1.0.rc66
tags/3_1_0_rc68               subtag-3.1.0.rc68
tags/3_1_0_rc69               subtag-3.1.0.rc69
tags/3_1_0_rc70               subtag-3.1.0.rc70
tags/3_1_0_rpm02              subtag-3.1.0.rel-rpm
tags/3_1_1                    subtag-3.1.1
tags/3_1_1_rc02               subtag-3.1.1.rc02
tags/3_1_1_rc03               subtag-3.1.1.rc03
tags/3_1_1_rc04               subtag-3.1.1.rc04
tags/3_1_1_rc05               subtag-3.1.1.rc05
tags/3_1_1_rc06               subtag-3.1.1.rc06
tags/3_1_1_rc07               subtag-3.1.1.rc07
tags/3_1_1_rc08               subtag-3.1.1.rc08
tags/3_1_1_rc09               subtag-3.1.1.rc09
tags/3_1_1_rc10               subtag-3.1.1.rc10
tags/3_1_1_rc11               subtag-3.1.1.rc10
tags/3_1_1_rc12               subtag-3.1.1.rc10
tags/3_1_1_rc13               subtag-3.1.1.rc13
tags/3_1_1_rc14               subtag-3.1.1.rc13
tags/3_1_1_rc15               subtag-3.1.1.rc15
tags/3_1_1_rc16               subtag-3.1.1.rc15
tags/3_1_1_rc17               subtag-3.1.1.rc15
tags/3_1_1_rc18               subtag-3.1.1.rc15
tags/3_1_1_rc19               subtag-3.1.1.rc15
tags/3_1_2_rc01               subtag-3.1.2.rc01
tags/3_1_2_rc02               subtag-3.1.2.rc02
tags/3_1_2_rc03               subtag-3.1.2.rc02
tags/3_1_2_rc04               subtag-3.1.2.rc04
tags/3_1_2_rc05               subtag-3.1.2.rc05
tags/3_1_2_rc06               subtag-3.1.2.rc06
tags/3_1_2_rc07               subtag-3.1.2.rc06
tags/3_1_2_rc08               subtag-3.1.2.rc08
tags/3_1_2_rc09               subtag-3.1.2.rc08
tags/3_1_2_sol01              subtag-3.1.2.rel
tags/3_1_3                    subtag-3.1.3.rc01
tags/3_1_3_rc01               subtag-3.1.3.rc01
tags/3_1_4_qa01               subtag-3.1.4.qa01
tags/3_1_4_qa02               subtag-3.1.4.qa02
tags/3_1_4_qa03               subtag-3.1.4.qa03
tags/3_1_4_qa04               subtag-3.1.4.qa03
tags/3_1_5_qa01               subtag-3.1.5.qa01
tags/3_1_5_qa02               subtag-3.1.5.qa02
tags/3_1_5_qa03               subtag-3.1.5.qa02
tags/3_1_5_qa04               subtag-3.1.5.qa02
tags/3_1_5_qa05               subtag-3.1.5.qa02
tags/3_1_5_qa06               subtag-3.1.5.qa02
tags/3_1_5_qa07               subtag-3.1.5.qa07
tags/3_1_5_qa08               subtag-3.1.5.qa07
tags/3_1_5_qa09               subtag-3.1.5.qa09
tags/3_1_5_qa10               subtag-3.1.5.qa09
tags/3_1_5_qa11               subtag-3.1.5.qa11
tags/3_2_0_beta2              subtag-3.2.0.beta2
tags/3_2_0_beta3              subtag-3.2.0.beta3
tags/3_2_0_rpm02              subtag-3.2.0.rpm02
tags/3_2_1                    subtag-3.2.1
tags/3_2_1_qa01               subtag-3.2.1.qa01
tags/3_2_1_qa02               subtag-3.2.1.qa02
tags/3_2_3                    subtag-3.2.3
tags/3_3_0_beta1              subtag-3.3.0.beta1
tags/3_3_0_qa01               subtag-3.3.0.qa01
tags/3_3_0_qa02               subtag-3.3.0.qa01
tags/3_3_0_qa03               subtag-3.3.0.qa01
tags/3_3_0_qa04               subtag-3.3.0.qa01
tags/3_3_0_qa05               subtag-3.3.0.qa01
tags/3_3_0_qa06               subtag-3.3.0.qa01
tags/3_3_0_qa07               subtag-3.3.0.qa01
tags/3_3_0_qa08               subtag-3.3.0.qa01
tags/3_3_0_qa09               subtag-3.3.0.qa09
tags/3_3_0_qa10               subtag-3.3.0.qa10
tags/3_3_0_rc01               subtag-3.3.0.qa10
tags/3_3_0_rc02               subtag-3.3.0.rc02
tags/3_3_0_rc03               subtag-3.3.0.rc03
tags/3_3_0_rc04               subtag-3.3.0.rc04
tags/3_3_0_rc05               subtag-3.3.0.rc05
tags/3_3_0_rc06               subtag-3.3.0.rc06
tags/3_3_0_rc07               subtag-3.3.0.rc07
tags/amanda-261p1             subtag-2.6.1.rel-p1
tags/amanda252                tag-2.5.2
tags/amanda252b1              tag-2.5.2.beta1
tags/amanda252p1              subtag-2.5.2.rel-p1
tags/amanda260                subtag-2.6.0.rel
tags/amanda260b1              subtag-2.6.0.beta1
tags/amanda260b2              tag-2.6.0.beta2
tags/amanda260b3              subtag-2.6.0.beta3
tags/amanda260p1              subtag-2.6.0.rel-p1
tags/amanda260p2              subtag-2.6.0.rel-p2
tags/amanda261                subtag-2.6.1.rel
tags/amanda261b2              subtag-2.6.1.beta2
tags/amanda261p1              subtag-2.6.1.rel-p1
tags/amanda261p2              subtag-2.6.1.rel-p2
tags/amanda261p2-rc1          subtag-2.6.1.rel-p199
tags/community_3.4.1          subtag-community-3.4.1
tags/community_3_3_2          subtag-community-3.3.2
tags/community_3_3_3          subtag-zmanda-3.3.3
tags/community_3_3_4          subtag-community-3.3.4
tags/community_3_3_5          subtag-zmanda-3.3.5
tags/community_3_3_6          subtag-community-3.3.6
tags/community_3_3_7          subtag-community-3.3.7
tags/community_3_3_7_qa02     subtag-community-3.3.7.qa02-stub
tags/community_3_3_7_qa03     subtag-community-3.3.7.qa02-stub
tags/community_3_3_8          subtag-community-3.3.8
tags/community_3_3_9          subtag-community-3.3.9
tags/community_3_4_1          subtag-community-3.4.1
tags/community_3_4_2          subtag-community-3.4.2
tags/community_3_4_3          subtag-community-3.4.3
tags/community_3_4_4          subtag-community-3.4.4
tags/community_3_5            subtag-community-3.5
tags/community_3_5_1          subtag-community-3.5.1
tags/zmanda_3_3_0             subtag-3.3.0.rc07
tags/zmanda_3_3_1_qa01        subtag-zmanda-3.3.1.qa01
tags/zmanda_3_3_1_qa02        subtag-zmanda-3.3.1.qa01
tags/zmanda_3_3_1_rc01        subtag-zmanda-3.3.1.qa01
tags/zmanda_3_3_1_rc02        subtag-zmanda-3.3.1.rc02
tags/zmanda_3_3_1_rc03        subtag-zmanda-3.3.1.rc02
tags/zmanda_3_3_1_rc04        subtag-zmanda-3.3.1.rc04
tags/zmanda_3_3_1_rc05        subtag-zmanda-3.3.1.rc04
tags/zmanda_3_3_3             subtag-zmanda-3.3.3
tags/zmanda_3_3_4             subtag-zmanda-3.3.4
tags/zmanda_3_3_5             subtag-zmanda-3.3.5
tags/zmanda_3_3_6             subtag-community-3.3.6
tags/zmanda_3_3_6_qa01        subtag-community-3.3.6
tags/zmanda_3_3_6_qa02        subtag-community-3.3.6
tags/zmanda_3_3_7             subtag-community-3.3.7
tags/zmanda_3_3_7_qa01        subtag-community-3.3.7.qa02-stub
tags/zmanda_3_3_7_qa02        subtag-community-3.3.7.qa02-stub
tags/zmanda_3_3_7_qa03        subtag-community-3.3.7.qa02-stub
tags/zmanda_3_3_8             subtag-community-3.3.8
tags/zmanda_3_3_9             subtag-community-3.3.9
tags/zmanda_3_4               subtag-zmanda-3.4

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