The tool is not optimal but from what I understand its purpose exactly matches my use case, and it had worked before. It's just that it broke at some point (or maybe I broke it somehow?)

I've read through the thread you suggested. Thanks for pointing that out. However, it doesn't seem to fit my need here.

What I'm trying to achieve is that amvault takes what it has in holding and writes that out to my diskchanger. After that, I want it to do exactly the same once again (same config, same data, same storage) with me physically changing the diskchangers of course in between. In the end, I'll have two copies of the same set of tapes on two different physical devices. The idea is to store them in different physical locations.

I could theoretically get the same result using amflush but can I make amflush *NOT* delete the data from holding after flushing in the first run?

I'm running amanda on Ubuntu 18.04.


org "archive"
infofile "/amanda/archive/state/curinfo"
logdir "/amanda/archive/state/log"
indexdir "/amanda/archive/state/index"
dumpuser "backup"

labelstr "archive-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]"
autolabel "$c-%%%%" EMPTY VOLUME_ERROR
meta-autolabel "$c-%%%"
tapecycle 301
dumpcycle 0
runtapes 300

flush-threshold-dumped 100
flush-threshold-scheduled 100
taperflush 100
autoflush yes

debug-taper 9
debug-auth 9
debug-chunker 9
debug-driver 9
debug-dumper 9
debug-event 9
debug-holding 9
debug-planner 9
debug-protocol 9
debug-recovery 9

reserve 10

tapetype HD500G
define tapetype HD500G {
                length 500G

define application-tool app_amgtar {
    plugin "amgtar"
    property "CHECK-DEVICE" "NO"
    property "ONE-FILE-SYSTEM" "NO"

define dumptype nas {
    auth "local"
    compress none
    index yes
    record no
    strategy noinc
    skip-incr yes
    program "APPLICATION"
    application "app_amgtar"
    encrypt server
    server_encrypt "/usr/sbin/amcrypt"
    server_decrypt_option "-d"

holdingdisk hd1 {
    directory "/path/to/holding/archive"
    chunksize 50 mbyte

define changer removable-disk {
    tpchanger "chg-disk:/diskchanger"
    property "NUM-SLOT" "1"
    property "AUTO-CREATE-SLOT" "no"
    property "REMOVABLE" "yes"
    property "MOUNT" "yes"
    property "UMOUNT" "yes"
    property "UMOUNT-LOCKFILE" "/etc/amanda/archive/disk.lock"
    property "UMOUNT-DELAY" "1"

tpchanger "removable-disk"

define storage archive {
    tapedev "removable-disk"
    tpchanger "removable-disk"

To backup to holding, I run

    amdump archive

For vaulting to tape, I run

    amvault --dest-storage archive archive <DLE>
    grep -v no-reuse /etc/amanda/archive/tapelist | cut -d" " -f 2 | xargs -n 1 amadmin archive no-reuse

Finally, when I'm done with vaulting, I clean up holding by running

    amadmin archive holding list | xargs -n 1 amadmin archive holding delete

On 24.11.2022 10:22, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:

Unfortunately I can't help with amvault. I never was successful or happy with that tool.

In general I suggest you tell us more about which OS you use amanda with and something about your amanda configuration.

I went for defining multiple storages in amanda.conf.

Maybe useful for you as well.

Check the thread "Multiple storage-definitions, generating archive tapes" if interested.

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