
I just updated my backup server from Fedora 35 to 37.
After the upgrade, I tried to run amflush.

The session running amflush was killed by systemd-oomd as per these
lines in the journal:

systemd[1]: session-5.scope: systemd-oomd killed some process(es) in this unit.
systemd-oomd[7544]: Considered 4 cgroups for killing, top candidates were:
systemd-oomd[7544]:         Path: /user.slice/user-0.slice/session-5.scope
systemd-oomd[7544]:                 Memory Pressure Limit: 0.00%
systemd-oomd[7544]:                 Pressure: Avg10: 56.78 Avg60: 40.05 Avg300: 
14.53 Total: 53s
systemd-oomd[7544]:                 Current Memory Usage: 30.0G
systemd-oomd[7544]:                 Memory Min: 0B
systemd-oomd[7544]:                 Memory Low: 0B
systemd-oomd[7544]:                 Pgscan: 14100751

My workaround was to "systemctl edit systemd-oomd" and add "--dry-run" as 
A "systemctl cat systemd-oomd" now has this override appended:

# /etc/systemd/system/systemd-oomd.service.d/override.conf
ExecStart=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-oomd --dry-run

After "systemctl restart systemd-oomd", this makes the log look like this when 
running amflush:

systemd-oomd[13095]: oomd dry-run: Would have tried to kill 
/sys/fs/cgroup/user.slice/user-0.slice/session-3.scope with recurse=true
systemd-oomd[13095]: Considered 4 cgroups for killing, top candidates were:
systemd-oomd[13095]:         Path: /user.slice/user-0.slice/session-3.scope
systemd-oomd[13095]:                 Memory Pressure Limit: 0.00%
systemd-oomd[13095]:                 Pressure: Avg10: 54.15 Avg60: 35.63 
Avg300: 15.82 Total: 1min 25s
systemd-oomd[13095]:                 Current Memory Usage: 29.9G
systemd-oomd[13095]:                 Memory Min: 0B
systemd-oomd[13095]:                 Memory Low: 0B
systemd-oomd[13095]:                 Pgscan: 40620400
systemd-oomd[13095]:                 Last Pgscan: 40620400

And now amflush keeps running fine again.

I'm not sure what the right solution is, I just quickly wanted to get it
running again, and my itch is scratched.

Maybe something needs to be tweaked in systemd-oomd, or the amanda
package should include something to exempt amanda from systemd-oomd, or
something else.

Yours, Uwe

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