
On 10/16/2011 12:20 AM, Stefan Derkits wrote:
> It uploads an EpisodeAction::PLAY every minute, which is not correct.
> Play should only be sent once to the Webservice, when I
> stop/pause/seek (not sure about seek, @stefankoegl can you clarify?)
> and not every minute.

The play-actions are intended to record one interval that has been
played by the user at once.

I'll illustrate this with an example.

* User starts playing from the beginning
  create action 1 with start 00:00

* User plays to 05:00 then seeks to 10:00
  set position to 05:00 in actions 1 and send it
  create action 2 with start 10:00

* User plays to 15:00 and stops playback
  set position to 15:00 in action 2 and send it

gPodder also skips actions if the time plays (difference between stop
and start) is below some threshold (maybe 5 sec), but you are free to
ignore such optimizations or invent your own (if they fit into the
overall concept).

Repeating the same interval periodically doesn't make much sense. The
server will not try to merge these actions and they will clutter the
user's history view.

-- Stefan
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