On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 00:04, Gioacchino Mazzurco <gmazzurc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all!
> In Italy we have a very big community based network ninux.org [1][2]
> We have a lot of bandwidth inside our net and we enjoy to share music over the
> network.
> But amarok seems still lacking of an effective ( not only for geek ) way to
> share music with other in the network, we gave a try to tomahawk ( that use
> playdar for sharing ) and it seems very good on that, but we really like
> amarok so we are thinking on integrating playdar [0] in amarok, as KDE do we
> also participate at google summer of code so if we have a free slot we can
> give that to implement that but we wanna be sure that our code will be
> integrated on the main amarok, me personally i have already participated to
> GS0C 2011 as mentor and we got success, so i am asking if the core team of
> amarok is interested on that and if is sisposed to work toghether to give
> amarok a robust way to share music

I'm one of the members of the core team, and while I cannot speak for
the whole team nor indiscriminately guarantee integration, I can say
that I would be very interested in that sort of collaboration, and I
suspect the rest of the team would agree. If the produced code is good
quality I see no reason why it shouldn't be integrated. Actually, as a
rule we even try to have GSoC students commit directly or almost
directly to git master without long review periods.
I also think I understand quite well your use case since I've been a
founding member of a wireless network community myself several years
ago :)
Feel free to drop by in #amarok on Freenode, you can contact me (Teo`)
or any of the operators.

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