malteveerman added a comment.

  In D10831#213608 <>, @asturmlechner 
  > > gpodder service using mygpo-qt, which is still in a qt4 world
  > Even though it may not be available on every distro out there yet (for lack 
of consumers), `libmygpo-qt-1.0.9` supports Qt5 already. At least clementine 
also makes use of it, but only in their qt5 branch.
  On Arch Linux the official package is still Qt4. There is a Qt5 package in 
the AUR but I didn't test that. Is there a cmake test we could use to build the 
plugin conditionally?

  R181 Amarok


To: malteveerman, #amarok
Cc: asturmlechner, #amarok, paul, yaohanchen, malteveerman, markey, cochise, 
tbettler, Smar, ricktimmis, schweingruber

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