Hi Ben,

Sure, I can merge Tuomas' changes till he's able to. I just did the first (Heiko did the other one).



On 2020-12-12 07:24, Ben Cooksley wrote:
On Thu, 10 Dec 2020, 10:37 pm Pedro de Carvalho Gomes, <pedrogome...@gmail.com <mailto:pedrogome...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi Tuomas,

Hi Pedro,

    Dan is sort of correct in his reply. The development has been very
    slow the last years. As you may see, it has been 2.5 years since
    the last release. About one year ago I have started to send
    contributions, to try to help Amarok to get going. It's in my
    plans to release a new alpha version this December still.

    If you want to contribute, I'd be glad to review your merge
    requests. Also, I'd ask you to do the same with mine. In theory,
    that's a part of the process. We should always having someone
    reviewing our changes before merging. But given the current
    scenario, I also think it's fair to push the changes yourself
    without someone's approval after a week.

Tuomas currently doesn't have a Developer account, so wouldn't be able to push the changes himself.

Would you be able to review the first few reviews so we can proceed with getting him a Developer account?




    On 2020-12-10 02:36, Dan Meltzer wrote:

    Development has pretty much ended over last 5-10 years.  You may
    see a response from one of the general kde developers who pokes
    at amarok, but there's not really anyone actively
    developing/managing the project at this point, unless something
    has changed that I'm unaware of.


    On Wed, Dec 9, 2020, 16:41 Tuomas Nurmi <tuo...@norsumanageri.org
    <mailto:tuo...@norsumanageri.org>> wrote:

        Hello everyone!

        I recently did some small bugfixes on Amarok and submitted
        merge requests on
        invent.kde.org <http://invent.kde.org>, but they haven't
        received much attention yet. I tried also on
        the IRC channel, but received limited response.

        (The merge requests are
        and https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/amarok/-/
        - updated them to current head already a couple of times,
        but I'm new to gitlab, did I do it right?)

        The contribution how-tos I came across are out of date and
        contain various
        dead links. What's the process nowadays? What to do when I
        have new code &
        fixes submitted as merge requests, should I notify someone or
        send a message
        somewhere? I plan to keep doing some bugfixing (scratching my
        own itches on
        the KF5 version mostly) in the following weeks and months.

        Tuomas Nurmi

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