Hello Myriam, hello all,

On Monday, 1 February 2021 02:26:30 CET, Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
Another question: have the translators and distributions been notified? I
know it is just an alpha release, but this would at least give them time to
prepare for future releases.
Was there an embargo notice for the tarball or was it sent as immediate
release? it's still OK to make an immediate release for an alpha, but for
any future releases we should consider an embargo period of at least two
weeks to give translators and distributions time to prepare (and for
ourselves to prepare the website and announcements)

I concurr that we should improve upon that in the future. However I don't think there's much harm in having it ommitted it this time. There weren't that many string changes and it's essentially a very rought tech preview intended for early testing anyway, so let distros test in advance doesn't make that much sense (IMO).

Best regards,

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