>>> Tony Earnshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/26/05 6:32 AM >>>
>What is your (and possibly others') experience with sending bounce
>notices to spammers? In my experience, not far from all spammer
>addresses are forged, meaning either that one would get the bounce
>message back (double bounce) from one's own MTA if the spammer's domain
>didn't exist (NXDOMAIN or SERVFAIL), or from the MTA of the forged
>spammer address if the spammer's domain did exist (again double bounce).
>IOW, my advice at the moment would be: "Don't bounce spam".

There's a lot of opinion on that one... I believe if your MTA accepts the
mail your duty bound (by the RFC's at least) to send an NDR, but that's
not to say you can't stop it at the MTA by never accepting it in the first
place, thereby sticking to standards and avoiding your system building
up loads of NDR's to non-existent domains that eventually time out after
4-5 days.
I've setup a few options in Postfix that checks both the recipient address
and the senders domain, to try and assertain if at least the e-mail is sent
from a legitimate server and is being sent to a legitimate recipient.
If not, then my MTA stops the connection right there.
There is an argument though if you do this then someone can figure out
what e-mail addresses are in fact legitimate to better target your e-mail
system for spam/viruses.

I'm no expert at all, but this works well for me, and since I implemented
these changes I also haven't received bewildered e-mails from external
users asking me why they are receiving NDR's for my local receipients
when they never sent anything to them in the first place.


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