On Mon, Jan 09, 2006 at 07:35:25AM -0500, Glenn Sieb wrote:
> 2) Does anyone run Procmail on their virtual accounts? If so, could you
> point me in the right direction? This is something where the results on
> Google have been less than stellar :-/
  I'll answer this one - essentially, you can't run it on virtual
accounts.  Procmail is designed for traditional Unix shell accounts,
and normally has to be invoked running as a user account that is
identically named to the mailbox, with at least limited shell access.

  The one exception to this is that you could probably run the same
global procmailrc (run as root, from a global directory) for all
virtual users, but you can't run per-user procmailrcs for virtual

> 3) Running SA through Amavisd-new is probably going to hurt. A lot.
> (performance/memory-wise) 

  No, quite the reverse.  Amavisd-new is one of the best ways to run
it, because you share memory across multiple processes, amortize
process startup costs against many messages, etc.

  It's running a fresh invocation of SA for every mail delivery from
procmail/sieve/etc. that is truly painful!  (Believe me, I've seen what
that can do to a busy mailserver.)

  -- Clifton

    Clifton Royston  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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