I successfully configured a policy_bank for smtp-authenticated users.
(we don't want to check the IP-Blacklists (DSBL, SORBS, XBL, ...) for 
dynamic IP's)
The configuration looks like this:
$policy_bank{'SMTP_AUTHENTICATED'} = {
   bypass_spam_checks_maps   => [1],  # don't spam-check outgoing mail
   bypass_banned_checks_maps => [1],  # don't banned-check outgoing mail
   final_spam_destiny   => D_PASS,    # insure spam passes
   final_banned_destiny => D_PASS,    # insure banned files pass
   final_virus_destiny  => D_BOUNCE   # bounce only to authenticated

There also exist per-recipient white/black-list in the config:
$sql_select_white_black_list = 'SELECT wb FROM mail_prg.v_whiteblack_list'.
  ' WHERE (mail_mailbox_id=?) AND (from_address IN (%k))'.
  ' ORDER BY priority DESC';

Unfortuantelly, this will be ignored if bypass_spam_checks_maps =1.

Is there a way to configure amavisd-new, that it does no spam_checks for
smtp-authenticated users, but respects the $sql_select_white_black_list.

Thanks for your answers

Valentin Schmid
Tel.: ++41 81 936 03 75
Fax:  ++41 81 936 03 76
ICSurselva AG - Internet Intranet Solutions

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