
> This mail is sent from inside our network with a destination
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] // our client says that mail is tagged 2 times
> out of three wether sent from his local computer using Outlook or Mutt…

This message went through two instances of amavisd,
first at host (alias,
and the next one at host

You are only showing log at host, which tells
that spam checks were bypassed, message was CC_CLEAN
and recipient [EMAIL PROTECTED] was not local,
which are all reasons why a Subject is not modified.

This is confirmed by:

> Jan 15 19:01:27 ns1 amavis[81209]: (81209-10) headers CLUSTERING: NEW
> CLUSTER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: score=x, tag=0, tag2=0, local=0, bl=, s=

which means: spam score unknown, no tagging, not local,
not blacklisted, no subject tag.

This content filter instance did not modify your Subject,
nor did it insert any X-Spam-* header fields.

What happened at you are not showing.

Assuming you modified log template as intended, the
  , Subject: "test"
also indicates the Subject was not modified by previous
MTA instances or content filters, so you should look
for Subject modification culprit at steps following
processing by amavisd at

Btw, you probably left some extra newline (or removed a trailing #)
in the log template I suggested to modify, which is why you
are only seeing ', Subject: "test"' instead of the usual log entry.

The log template section was supposed to look like:

# =============================================================================
# This text section governs how a main per-message amavisd-new log entry is
# formed (config variable $log_templ). An empty text will prevent a log entry,
# multi-line text will produce several log entries, one for each nonempty line.
# Syntax is explained in the README.customize file.
[?%#D|#|Passed #
, [? %p ||%p ][?%a||[?%l||LOCAL ]\[%a\] ][?%e||\[%e\] ]%s -> [%D|,]#
[? %q ||, quarantine: %q]#
[? %Q ||, Queue-ID: %Q]#
[? %m ||, Message-ID: %m]#
[? %r ||, Resent-Message-ID: %r]#
, mail_id: %i#
, Hits: [:SCORE]#
#, size: %z#
#, fwd_to: [:remote_mta]#
[~[:remote_mta_smtp_response]|["^$"]||[", queued_as: "]]\
[remote_mta_smtp_response|[~%x|["queued as ([0-9A-Z]+)$"]|["%1"]|["%0"]]|/]#
[? [:header_field|Subject] ||, Subject: [:dquote|[:header_field|Subject]]]#
#[? [:header_field|From]    ||, From: [:uquote|[:header_field|From]]]#
#[? %#T ||, Tests: \[[%T|,]\]]#
#[? [:AUTOLEARN] ||, autolearn=[:AUTOLEARN]]#
, %y ms#
[?%#O|#|Blocked #
, [? %p ||%p ][?%a||[?%l||LOCAL ]\[%a\] ][?%e||\[%e\] ]%s -> [%O|,]#
[? %q ||, quarantine: %q]#
[? %Q ||, Queue-ID: %Q]#
[? %m ||, Message-ID: %m]#
[? %r ||, Resent-Message-ID: %r]#
, mail_id: %i#
, Hits: [:SCORE]#
#, size: %z#
#, smtp_resp: [:smtp_response]#
[? [:header_field|Subject] ||, Subject: [:dquote|[:header_field|Subject]]]#
#[? [:header_field|From]    ||, From: [:uquote|[:header_field|From]]]#
#[? %#T ||, Tests: \[[%T|,]\]]#
#[? [:AUTOLEARN] ||, autolearn=[:AUTOLEARN]]#
, %y ms#

Note the two cases of:

[? [:header_field|Subject] ||, Subject: [:dquote|[:header_field|Subject]]]#

(without an initial #, and with a trailing # kept, which suppresses breaking
a log entry into several log entries).


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