A pre-release of amavisd-new-2.4.5 is available at:


The 2.4.5 is primarily a maintenance release, fixing known
bugs and deficiencies of 2.4.4. It is expected to be the last
release in the 2.4.x chain, and 2.5.0 is to follow shortly.

The version 2.4.5 is fully compatible with 2.4.4.
Please see RELEASE_NOTES for changes.

If using p0f-analyzer, please switch soon to a version of
p0f-analyzer.pl as supplied with 2.4.5-pre2 (or later).
It fixes an endless-loop in p0f-analyzer.pl which happens
if a p0f daemon crashes (piped to stdin of p0f-analyzer)
or is manually terminated without also terminating p0f-analyzer.
The fixed p0f-analyzer.pl may be (and should be) used
even with earlier versions of amavisd. Additionally,
it binds only to a loopback interface by default
(as some marginal security improvement).


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