
> I noticed there's bits of code in amavis to allow it to act as a
> tcp_access map for postfix, but I'm not sure if this is complete.
> I was wondering if there's any chance that this might be developed to
> allow amavis to act as a policy server for postfix.
> In particular, I'd like to be able to issue OK, DUNNO or REJECT based on
> white/blacklist settings in amavis (and the per user prefs in mysql/ldap).

The Postfix policy protocol support is complete, but there is almost
no semantics in-there. Similarly the support for Postfix tcp lookup
maps is there. I did both mostly as a proof-of-concept, because
most of the code is common with AM.PDP protocol support and was
not difficult to add what was missing.

See sub process_tcp_lookup_request for tcp lookups support
(policy bank on the interface must specify protocol=>'TCP-LOOKUP'),

and process_policy_request with postfix_policy, which can (syntactically) 
handle both the AM.PDP as well as the Postfix policy delegation support.
The Postfix request is distinguished from AM.PDP request by the
presence of the attribute: request=smtpd_access_policy'

The problem with both is that these are pre-queue requests,
with all the problems this drags along: amavisd would need to
handle numerous sessions comparable to the number of smtpd services,
which is normally by an order of magnitude larger than post-queue
content filtering sessions. Heavy-weight calls to SA are mostly
out of the question for any setup larger than a home or small office
site. ...Which is the reason why I never pushed this beyond
proof-of-concept. Experimentation may be interesting nevertheless.


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