I would like to have amavis query the list of domains from our LDAP server. 
However, after reading over README.lookups and README.ldap, I don't see an 
obvious way to do this.  The amavis schema 
(<http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/LDAP.schema>) is geared toward 
individual account objects, doesn't have a domain attribute, and LDAP-wise, 
storing all the domains on each account would be somewhat silly.

Neither lookup_ldap() or lookup_ldap_attr() seem geared towards this type 
of query, as they both key off email ID.

I've seen that people have asked how to do this in the past, as well, and 
gotten no response.


(a) Is it even possible to do what I want
(b) Is there any documentation that exists, or can someone provide some 
useful examples, if it is possible? :)




Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Engineer
Zimbra, Inc
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