>   As you have found, it's very difficult to do anything other 
> than very crude load management via DNS.  Obviously you can 
> make it a little bit better by keeping your DNS TTLs short, 
> but it's a very blunt tool.
>   The only load-balancing method that provides a more 
> immediate and tunable response is to use a different 
> (non-DNS) approach, such as a hardware load-balancer (I <3 my 
> Foundry ServerIron) or some routing-based software system 
> such as CARP.
>   When one server is congested, your best bet and simplest 
> soulution may be to simply suspend the incoming SMTP by 
> editing the postfix master.cf file, temporarily comment out 
> the line which has Postfix listening on port 25, and reload 
> Postfix.  This is a drastic measure, but I've used it from 
> time to time to manually allow one server to clear a big 
> backlog.  Once the backlog has cleared, you *MUST* remember 
> to uncomment the line and reload Postfix again, so that it 
> can resume accepting mail.

I very appreciate your answer. It is what I felt..

Indeed, to stop accepting connection on port 25 on the congestioned
server It could be a good way to tackle an emergency situation.. (BTW,
what lines I have to comment in master.cf?)

But in this manner when the server is choosen by DNS to deliver one
message, the SMTP sender gets a "Connection refused" error message.. :-(
This could be a worst situation in front an high delivery delay due to
congestioned queue..


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