Christian Purnomo wrote:

> : Are your queues filled with bounce messages because you are accepting
> : mail to unknown recipients?  Are you rejecting unknown recipients at the
> : first postfix instance.
> HI MrC
> Yes, more than 50% of the emails in the queue are Non-delivery type
> email.  This mail server is one of our mail gateway which primary job is
> to relay email to our Exchange server, hence the server simply receives
> all the incoming emails and relay through to our internal exchange
> server.

Solve the problem by exporting a list of valid recipients, and importing
it into the gateway postfix.  Not having recipient validation today is
asking for the trouble you face now.

> Our postfix has the following configuration:
> smtpd_recipient_restrictions =

>         permit_mynetworks,
>         reject_unknown_recipient_domain,
>         check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/recipient_access,
>         reject_unauth_destination,
>         permit_auth_destination

Move reject_unauth_pipelining to smtpd_data_restrictions; it serves no
purpose in smtpd_recipient_restrictions.

There are some additional cheap checks you can perform too.  Consider these:

and possibly:
    check_helo_access pcre:/etc/postfix/helo_checks.pcre

and finally, zen is very useful:


Here are some stats showing reject effectiveness in my current settings
(note, these will change as restrictions are added/removed/moved).  As
you can see, rejecting bad HELOs, unknown users, and RBL(zen) catches 90% :

     179   5xx Reject relay denied                    0.93%
    6889   5xx Reject HELO/EHLO                      35.85%
    3605   5xx Reject unknown user                   18.76%
     123   5xx Reject recipient address               0.64%
      57   5xx Reject sender address                  0.30%
      24   5xx Reject client host                     0.12%
    1076   5xx Reject unverified client host          5.60%
    7133   5xx Reject RBL                            37.12%
      77   5xx Reject header                          0.40%
      51   5xx Reject body                            0.27%
       1   5xx Reject VRFY                            0.01%
--------   ------------------------------------------------
   19215   Total 5xx Rejects                        100.00%
========   ================================================

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