On Tue, 10 Mar 2009 18:19:55 +0100 Martin Sebald <mseb...@hot-chilli.net> 
>Hello Mark!
>>> Not that I know of, but there is a bug in Mail::DKIM 0.32 or earlier,
>>> only triggered in marginal cases - yours may be one of them.
>>> From release notes:
>>>    (btw, if testkeys fails and you believe your DNS is correctly serving
>>>    your DKIM public keys, you may need to upgrade Perl module Mail-DKIM
>>>    to version 0.33 or at least 0.32_6)
>> Btw, Jason Long (author of Mail::DKIM) has just released an official
>> 0.33, which is equivalent to 0.32_6, except that it doesn't bear a 'beta'
>> shade.
>> So port and package maintainers should no longer have an excuse not to
>> upgrade their port/package to the current official release of
>> Mail-DKIM-0.33.
>> See:  http://cpan.perl.org/authors/id/J/JA/JASLONG/
>Ah great!
>I use Debian and the latest version is libmail-dkim-perl 0.32-1 and the
>last changelog entry is dated from June, 7th 2008. Does anybody know if
>this is version at least 0.32_6 or is it older?
>I'll try to motivate the package maintainer to upgrade to 0.33. ;-)
It's the 0.32 release (not 0.32_6).  I'm definitely going to have 0.33 in 
the next Ubuntu release.

Scott K

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