> On Mar 8, 2016, at 10:14 AM, Tom Hendrikx <t...@whyscream.net> wrote:
> On 08-03-16 16:56, @lbutlr wrote:
>> before I duplicate work, I thought I’d check if someone else has
>> already done something like this.
>> Currently, amavis sends a notification to the virusal...@mydomain.tld
>> address when it catches something with a forbidden (BANNED)
>> attachment.
>> I’d like to create a notification email for the original user that
>> says something like “an email from <senderaddress> was blocked
>> because it had an attachment of type $TLX" where $TLX is the
>> attachment extension that was caught by amavisd.
> Seeing that most of the stuff that I catch with a virus scanner on
> incoming mail is sent by a bad guy (or a botnet on behalf of a bad guy),
> and not by an innocent person with a PC that generates macro-infected
> office documents (for instance).
> The mail from the bad guy is never sent from a valid address, so you'll
> be generating backscatter when you inform the envelope sender

No, I want to notify the intended recipient (well, *AN* intended recipient).

> It's way better to scrub the attachment and send the message along, in
> that way the recipient can at least see the original message contents
> (without the attachment).

How do you do that? (Isn’t mimedefang kind of dead?)

By the way, I think you might be the prettiest girl I've ever seen
outside the pages of a really filthy magazine

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