On 03/09/2017 21:20, Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:
* zahn <martin.z...@akadia.com>:
I changed amavisd-new from version: amavisd-2.10.1 to: amavisd-2.11.0. Now I
get the strange warning: Open relay? Nonlocal recips but not originating: in
my maillog.

I have the following policy bank defined:

$interface_policy{'10024'} = 'ORIGINATING';
$policy_bank{'ORIGINATING'} = {
   originating => 1,
   enable_dkim_signing => 1,
   os_fingerprint_method => undef,  # don't query p0f for internal clients
   allow_disclaimers => 1,
   warnbadhsender => 1,
   terminate_dsn_on_notify_success => 0,  # don't remove NOTIFY=SUCCESS

and mynetwoks is as follows.

@mynetworks = qw(;

Can you help me to avoid the warning ?

 From amavis' point of view the client connected from an IP that's not part of
@mynetworks and the message was sent to recipients in domains that are not
part of @local_domains_maps.

Was the recipient's domain in @local_domains_maps?

If not send log that shows a mail causing the log message in question.


I have the same problem .... I actually pretty sure the mail going through the policy bank created special for submission, originating set to 1, but if the mail going outside, i.e. not local domain, the warning show up in the log

I plan to downgrade to amavisd 2.10 to make some tests, but seems the problem coming from version 2.11


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