
On Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 5:03 PM Damian <ama...@arcsin.de> wrote:

> > Yes, that's correct - I've always used postfix always_bcc and didn't
> realize there was one for amavis as well.
> If you want to keep it that way, you could declare bcc-user a spam_lover:
> > @spam_lovers_maps = ([
> >   'bcc-u...@gambit.example.com',
> > ]);

I did this, but it doesn't appear to be working. I've added the following
to my amavisd.conf:

@spam_lovers_maps = ( ['bcc-u...@xavier.example.com', '
bcc-u...@iceman.example.com', 'bcc-u...@gambit.example.com'] );
@bypass_spam_checks_maps = ( ['bcc-u...@xavier.example.com', '
bcc-u...@iceman.example.com', 'bcc-u...@gambit.example.com'] );

May  8 09:11:45 iceman amavis[3525694]: (3525694-02) status counters:
May  8 09:11:45 iceman amavis[3525694]: (3525694-02)
RelayedInbound Quarantined","attached_file_names":["message.msg"],"aut

I'm also seeing emails with both the whitelisted value and the regular
points value:
X-Spam-Flag: YES
X-Spam-Score: 7.761
X-Spam-Level: *******
X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=-92.239..7.761 tag=-200 tag2=5 kill=5

However, I don't want spam checks for the bcc-user email to be bypassed. I
also don't want the spam that would be quarantined for the regular sender
to be delivered for the bcc-user either.

In other words, I want the bcc-user to be treated exactly the same as mail
for the intended recipient. Is this possible, given they are in different

Thank you!

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