Hi guys,
i've talked/do presentation to several people online and offline about the 
enhanced switch.

While the overall feedback is positive (or very positive), the usage of break 
as a local return from a case expression is seen as a bad decision.
For some people, it's just ugly, but they can live with that. For others, it 
elevates the status of break and break is seen as something wrong, an archaism 
from C. For one, we are "retarded" (it was in French but i think it's the right 
translation) because even C# do not use break :)

When i asked what we should do instead, the answer is either:
  1/ we should not allow block of codes in the expression switch but only 
  2/ that we should use the lambda syntax with return, even if the semantics is 
different from the lambda semantics.

I do not like (1) because i think the expression switch will become useless but 
for (2) i think i was wrong to consider the semantics difference as something 
So should we backup and re-use the lambda semantics instead of enhancing break 


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