For clarity, we have renamed the January 2019 version from:


The CSR for switch expressions (JDK-8207241) has the spec as an attachment, but also links to an online version for reader convenience. Originally it linked to `switch-expressions.html`, but that is a living document and hence unsuitable for a CSR, so now it links to `switch-expressions-2019-01.html`.


On 2/27/2019 4:43 AM, Gavin Bierman wrote:
I have uploaded a revised switch expressions spec at:

This is functionally equivalent to the spec uploaded last month. The change is 
in how we specify the type checking of switch expressions. We have make 
simplifications to make it more consistent with the specification of 
conditional expressions. The behaviour of type checking is unchanged.


PS: I have left the January version at for reference.

On 17 Jan 2019, at 10:14, Gavin Bierman <> wrote:

Thank you Alex and Tagir. I have uploaded a new version of the spec at:

This contains all the changes you suggested below. In addition, there is a 
small bug fix in 5.6.3 concerning widening 
( I have also taken the 
opportunity to reorder chapter 15 slightly, so switch expressions are now 
section 15.28 and constant expressions are now section 15.29 (the last section 
in the chapter).

Comments welcome!

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