On 5/15/2019 10:17 AM, Dan Smith wrote:
I think this:

String code = """
               public void print(""" + type + """
                o) {

should be presented like this:

String code = """
               public void print(""" +
               type +
                o) {

It's not great, and replace/format is the "right" solution, but if
somebody wants to do concatenation, this style does a better job of
indicating where the indent prefix ends and the content begins. The
delimiter gives a visual indication of where the "block" is located.

I appreciate that you want to position an opening delimiter to the left of its content, but can you say why you want `type +` on its own line? What's the big deal with `...""" + type +\n` and then the next text block? (You don't seem to object to the closing delimiter sharing a line with content, since you have ` + ` after the first closing delimiter.)


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