> When reading the spec, the following caught my attention:
> """A nested record type is implicitly static. It is permitted for the 
> declaration of a nested record type to redundantly specify the static 
> modifier.
>    This implies that it is impossible to declare a record type in the body of 
> an inner class (8.1.3), because an inner class cannot have static members 
> except for constant variables.

Sharp eye!  

Yes, this is sad.  There are three ways to go:

 - Don’t make records implicitly static. 
 - Allow static members in inner classes.
 - Don’t allow records in inner classes, at least for now, and do one of the 
others later.

I don’t like the first one; inner records violate the spirit of records, which 
is their entire representation, API, and behavior is derived from their state 
descriptor.  An inner record would have a hidden extra component, and this 
would raise uncomfortable questions like “how does it play into the equally 
calculation.”  Better to say records are what they look like, which makes them 
implicitly static.  

In the long run, I would like to bust the restriction on inner classes not 
having static members.  (And similarly, open the door to local enums, local 
interfaces, etc.)  These fall into the category we’ve been calling “smoother 
scoping”, which is eliminating some of the ad-hoc nest-x-in-y restrictions.  

It seems the sensible strategy for now is accept the restriction, and fix it as 
by busting the restriction on inner classes when we can. Its possible we can 
relax this for records now and general static members later.  

> So in this respect, record type is similar to enum type which is also 
> implicitly static.

Record is similar to enum in many, many ways…

> Although the JLS does not mention explicitly (or at least I can't find it), 
> enum types are not allowed as local types (declared inside methods, 
> constructors or initializers). For example:

Local records should be allowed; we should probably allow local enums at the 
same time.

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