I agree with Chris F - if the trouble is being taken to bring people over 
or to tie them into things here, then let's hear them talk about their 
projects and let other curators and doers link up with them. I can 
understand also that time is limited for meetings with artists, but does 
it have to be another selection process?

There may be a practical reasons for this of course. Interested to hear.


Dear Chris
>Could you not also ask Tamas to do a talk for those of us who do not have
>work to show - I would be interested to hear about Tamas' projects and his
>perspective on curatng new media...
>Chris Fremantle
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Chris Byrne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 7:15 PM
>Subject: <ambit> visiting curator - Tamas Banovich
><ambit> visiting curator - TAMAS BANOVICH
>as part of Stills Specials
>New Media Scotland invites you to register for the second in a series
>of visits to Scotland by international curators, organised specially
>for <ambit> members and friends.
>Thursday 13 November 2003
>10:00 - 18:00
>23 Cockburn Street, Edinburgh
>We are pleased to announce an opportunity to meet <ambit> visiting
>curator Tamas Banovich, co-director and co-owner of Postmasters
>Gallery, New York.
><ambit> curators' visits are a new initiative from New Media
>Scotland. Our first visitor, Steve Dietz, met with 6 artists from the
><ambit> community, viewed their work and expressed enthusiasm and
>support for the energetic and vital Scottish media arts scene.
>By registering, you have the chance to meet and inform a curator who
>is not familiar with your work. This can help you to maximize the
>opportunities for your work to be appreciated beyond Scotland. You
>can increase the likelihood of being invited to work on a new
>commission, exhibition or event.
>We believe that through organising visits to Scotland by influential
>curators, we will raise the profile of Scottish-based media artists
>and enhance recognition of their work internationally. Each visiting
>curator is encouraged to meet artists using new technologies in their
>practice and explore their work in depth.
>As the time available for visiting curators to speak to individual
>artists and view work will be limited, it might not be possible to
>meet every artist interested in this opportunity. Therefore if you
>wish to be considered, we ask you to please register using the web
>form available via the <ambit> web site:
>DEADLINE for registration: 3 November 2003
>Notification will be sent to selected artists by: 8 November 2003
>TAMAS BANOVICH biography:
>Tamas Banovich is the co-director and co-owner of Postmasters
>Gallery, New York City - http://www.postmastersart.com. Born in
>Budapest, Tamas attended the Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw, where he
>studied sculpture, urban design and set design. Tamas moved to New
>York in 1979 and together with Magda Sawon established Postmasters
>Gallery in 1985.
>The gallery introduces and represents emerging and established
>contemporary artists across several generations. The work encompasses
>all mediums and may be described as 'thinking art', ranging from
>conceptual work to visually engaging multimedia installations.
>Postmasters has been a consistent supporter of the new media art
>community since 1995, in recognition of the fact that digital and
>network technology is becoming a defining cultural influence.
>"Our curatorial effort was and continues to be focused on
>incorporating 'new media' into the mainstream art discourse", says
>Tamas. "Beginning with the exhibition 'Can You Digit?' in 1996,
>followed, among others, with 'MacClassic', 'Password:Ferdydurke',
>'Behind the Firewall' and many installations and performance events,
>we were instrumental in introducing digital and network based works
>to the New York audience. Presently about half of the artists
>represented by us are working in the digital medium - from the
>pioneers (Wolfgang Staehle, Ken Feingold, Perry Hoberman, Natalie
>Jeremijenko) to the younger generation (etoy, Jennifer and Kevin
>McCoy, John Klima, Paul Johnson, Eddo Stern, Maciej Wisniewski,
>"I am also experimenting with new economic frameworks for new media
>projects", Tamas continues. In 2001 he was one of the founders of
>netomat, a multimedia communication software company that is an
>outgrowth of a project originally presented at Postmasters Gallery in
>1999 - http://www.postmastersart.com/netomat &
>http://www.netomat.net. Currently Tamas is in the process of
>launching 'algorithmic', an agency that will represent leading media
>artist-professionals and publish artist created software.
><ambit> visiting curator - TAMAS BANOVICH
>Organised by New Media Scotland and Stills, in association with
>Postmasters Gallery, New York; School of Television & Imaging at the
>University of Dundee; Dundee Contemporary Arts.
>New Media Scotland is supported by the Scottish Arts Council.
>For further details please contact Iliyana Nedkova or Chris Byrne at
>New Media Scotland.
>                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>New Media Scotland                 tel: +44 131 477 3774
>P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ  fax: +44 131 477 3775
>Scotland, UK                    http://www.mediascot.org
>a m b i t : networking media arts in scotland
>archive: http://www.mediascot.org/ambit
>info: send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>and write "info ambit" in the message body
>a m b i t : networking media arts in scotland
>archive: http://www.mediascot.org/ambit
>info: send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>and write "info ambit" in the message body
a m b i t : networking media arts in scotland
archive: http://www.mediascot.org/ambit
info: send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and write "info ambit" in the message body

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