
I am trying to use amd-staging-drm-next to work with amdkfd (built into amdgpu) for the AMD Instinct MI25 device.

As a first step I compiled libhsakmt 1.8.x and tried to run kfdtest. But it produces lots of failures (see below).
Here are the results:

[==========] 76 tests from 14 test cases ran. (80250 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 39 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 37 tests, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] KFDEvictTest.QueueTest
[  FAILED  ] KFDGraphicsInterop.RegisterGraphicsHandle
[  FAILED  ] KFDIPCTest.BasicTest
[  FAILED  ] KFDIPCTest.CrossMemoryAttachTest
[  FAILED  ] KFDIPCTest.CMABasicTest
[  FAILED  ] KFDLocalMemoryTest.BasicTest
[  FAILED  ] KFDLocalMemoryTest.VerifyContentsAfterUnmapAndMap
[  FAILED  ] KFDLocalMemoryTest.CheckZeroInitializationVram
[  FAILED  ] KFDMemoryTest.MapUnmapToNodes
[  FAILED  ] KFDMemoryTest.MemoryRegisterSamePtr
[  FAILED  ] KFDMemoryTest.FlatScratchAccess
[  FAILED  ] KFDMemoryTest.MMBench
[  FAILED  ] KFDMemoryTest.QueryPointerInfo
[  FAILED  ] KFDMemoryTest.PtraceAccessInvisibleVram
[  FAILED  ] KFDMemoryTest.SignalHandling
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.CreateCpQueue
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.CreateMultipleSdmaQueues
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.SdmaConcurrentCopies
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.CreateMultipleCpQueues
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.DisableSdmaQueueByUpdateWithNullAddress
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.DisableCpQueueByUpdateWithZeroPercentage
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.OverSubscribeCpQueues
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.BasicCuMaskingEven
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.QueuePriorityOnDifferentPipe
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.QueuePriorityOnSamePipe
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.EmptyDispatch
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.SimpleWriteDispatch
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.MultipleCpQueuesStressDispatch
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.CpuWriteCoherence
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.CreateAqlCpQueue
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.QueueLatency
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.CpQueueWraparound
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.SdmaQueueWraparound
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.Atomics
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.P2PTest
[  FAILED  ] KFDQMTest.SdmaEventInterrupt
[  FAILED  ] KFDTopologyTest.BasicTest

Does it mean that current amdkfd from the kernel cant be used with libhsakmt 1.8.x? or I am doing something wrong...
Thank you!


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