Posted the following comment to the Mate-desktop issue:

 another hang with the same configuration as a youtube video
played via a
 USB headphone (Jabra40). I was able to recover by killing
Firefox, in 
which the video was playing. The video became choppy and
garbled and 
then stopped. The stderr is below:

ALSA lib
conf.c:5187:(snd_config_expand) Unknown parameters 1
ALSA lib control.c:1379:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL
ALSA lib conf.c:5187:(snd_config_expand) Unknown parameters 2
ALSA lib control.c:1379:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1089:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1089:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1089:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1089:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1089:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
On re-launch of Firefox from terminal window, the following appeared:
[GFX1-]: More than 1 GPU from same vendor detected via PCI, cannot deduce device
On Thu, 2021-07-29 at 12:04 -0400, Tim Cahill wrote:
> I apologize if the name callout is disconcerting. I was trying to
> follow instructions for sending bugs and saw your name listed as the
> owner of this code area. 
> FYI, I'd done some more troubleshooting and tinkering regarding the
> crashing and Mate seems to be at the center of all the issues. As a
> result, I also opened an Issue with the Mate Desktop team (
> Mate also
> has a power management component, which is probably responsible for
> the excess logging and the confusion over Navil10. However, I have no
> way to vouch for now accurately the Mate PM applet gathered data for
> its instantiation. I have no external devices connected that I'm
> aware would use it since I thought that was via HDMI. I *do* have a
> Jabra Evolve2 headset that uses the TypeC USB connector, but I assume
> that's not using the GPU.
> The issue documentation I left with Mate notes that if I launch apps
> from a terminal that is NOT launched from the Mate panel (right-click 
> on desktop instead to open terminal), the parent for all the apps
> (Firefox, Evolution, etc.) is separate from Mate (at least separate
> from mate-panel). Everything has worked fine (except for the constant
> logging of the wake-up action) since I've done that (and turned off
> the screensaver and screensaver lock). So, I'm not sure what else to
> do at this point. Please advise if I should do anything on the driver
> side.
> Thanks,Tim 
> On Thu, 2021-07-29 at 11:14 -0400, Felix Kuehling wrote:
> > Am 2021-07-28 um 12:10 p.m. schrieb Tim Cahill:
> > > Hi Felix,
> > 
> > I'm not sure why you're calling me out by name. I'm not working
> > onanything obviously related to your crashes.
> > Anyway, I took a quick look at the backtraces. They all point at
> > libgdk.Two of them are segfaults, one is an abort. It's not clear
> > how thesewould be related to the GPU driver. That said, when you
> > boot withnomodeset, the GPU driver and all HW acceleration is
> > completelydisabled. If that makes the problem disappear, the GPU
> > driver is clearlyinvolved in the problem in some way.
> > The abort points at a problem while freeing memory. This could be
> > causedby a double-free problem in some unrelated code, possibly
> > related to theGPU driver. This would be a problem in a user mode
> > component (maybeMesa), not the kernel mode driver.
> > I believe the messages you're seeing when you move the mouse are
> > theresult of runtime power management that puts the GPU to sleep
> > when it'sidle and reinitializes it when it's needed. You have 2
> > GPUs in yourlaptop, an integrated Renoir GPU in the Ryzen CPU, and
> > an externalNavi10 GPU for higher gaming performance. The GPU that
> > goes to sleep andwakes up is the external Navi10 GPU.
> > The OpenGL renderer string specifies "RENOIR". Therefore I'm
> > surprisedthat the Navi10 GPU wakes up when you move the mouse.
> > Ideally itshouldn't be used at all when you're just using the
> > desktop.
> > If you suspect that runtime power management is responsible for
> > yourproblems, you could disable it with amdgpu.runpm=0 on the
> > kernel commandline. That means the Navi10 GPU won't go into the low
> > power mode anddrain your battery more quickly. So this is not a
> > permanent solution.Just an experiment to narrow down the problem.
> > Regards,  Felix
> > 
> > > I'm not sure how to do this as I haven't had to report a bug
> > > before.I've looked to a variety of bug reporting sites to see if
> > > anyone elseis running into the same issues that I'm having (such
> > > as the Mateproject) and haven't seen anything at all similar to
> > > the issue I'mhaving. Since I had issues with AMD drivers with my
> > > distro (infobelow) and some consistent and high volume dmesg
> > > content shows up,I've decided that I should start here with the
> > > AMD kernel team.
> > > I have a fairly new MSI laptop with the following configuration:
> > > [code]System:    Kernel: 5.11.0-25-generic x86_64 bits: 64
> > > compiler: N/ADesktop: MATE 1.24.0 wm: marco            dm:
> > > LightDM Distro: Linux Mint 20.2 Uma base: Ubuntu
> > > 20.04focal Machine:   Type: Laptop System: Micro-Star product:
> > > Alpha 17 A4DEK v:REV:1.0 serial: <filter>            Chassis:
> > > type: 10 serial: <filter>            Mobo: Micro-Star model: MS-
> > > 17EK v: REV:1.0 serial: <filter>UEFI: American
> > > Megatrends            v: E17EKAMS.101 date:
> > > 10/26/2020 Battery:   ID-1: BAT1 charge: 66.2 Wh condition:
> > > 67.0/65.7 Wh (102%)volts: 12.4/10.8            model: MSI Corp.
> > > MS-17EK serial: N/A status: Unknown CPU:       Topology: 8-Core
> > > model: AMD Ryzen 7 4800H with RadeonGraphics bits: 64 type: MT
> > > MCP            arch: Zen rev: 1 L2 cache: 4096
> > > KiB            flags: avx avx2 lm nx pae sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1
> > > sse4_2 sse4assse3 svm bogomips: 92630            Speed: 4278 MHz
> > > min/max: 1400/2900 MHz Core speeds (MHz):1: 4280 2: 1865 3:
> > > 1397            4: 2188 5: 1489 6: 2265 7: 1907 8: 1906 9: 1729
> > > 10: 139711: 1397 12: 1397 13: 1397            14: 1397 15: 1907
> > > 16: 1740 Graphics:  Device-1: AMD Navi 10 [Radeon RX 5600
> > > OEM/5600 XT /5700/5700 XT]            vendor: Micro-Star MSI
> > > driver: amdgpu v: kernel bus ID:03:00.0 chip ID:
> > > 1002:731f            Device-2: AMD Renoir vendor: Micro-Star MSI
> > > driver: amdgpuv: kernel bus ID: 08:00.0            chip ID:
> > > 1002:1636            Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.9 driver:
> > > amdgpu,ati            unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,radeon,vesa
> > > compositor: marcoresolution: 1920x1080~144Hz            OpenGL:
> > > renderer: AMD RENOIR (DRM 3.40.0 5.11.0-25-genericLLVM
> > > 11.0.0)            v: 4.6 Mesa 20.2.6 direct render:
> > > Yes Audio:     Device-1: AMD Navi 10 HDMI Audio vendor: Micro-
> > > Star MSIdriver: snd_hda_intel v: kernel            bus ID:
> > > 03:00.1 chip ID: 1002:ab38            Device-2: AMD
> > > Raven/Raven2/FireFlight/Renoir AudioProcessor vendor: Micro-Star
> > > MSI            driver: N/A bus ID: 08:00.5 chip ID:
> > > 1022:15e2            Device-3: AMD Family 17h HD Audio vendor:
> > > Micro-Star MSIdriver: snd_hda_intel            v: kernel bus ID:
> > > 08:00.6 chip ID: 1022:15e3            Sound Server: ALSA v:
> > > k5.11.0-25-generic Network:   Device-1: Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX200
> > > driver: iwlwifi v: kernel busID: 04:00.0            chip ID:
> > > 8086:2723            IF: wlp4s0 state: up mac:
> > > <filter>            Device-2: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI
> > > Express GigabitEthernet vendor: Micro-Star MSI            driver:
> > > r8169 v: kernel port: f000 bus ID: 05:00.0 chip
> > > ID:10ec:8168            IF: eno1 state: down mac:
> > > <filter> Drives:    Local Storage: total: 476.94 GiB used: 89.79
> > > GiB (18.8%)            ID-1: /dev/nvme0n1 vendor: Kingston model:
> > > OM8PCP3512F-AI1size: 476.94 GiB            speed: 31.6 Gb/s
> > > lanes: 4 serial: <filter> Partition: ID-1: / size: 466.30 GiB
> > > used: 89.28 GiB (19.1%) fs: ext4dev: /dev/dm-1            ID-2:
> > > /boot size: 704.5 MiB used: 519.7 MiB (73.8%) fs:ext4 dev:
> > > /dev/nvme0n1p2            ID-3: swap-1 size: 980.0 MiB used: 0
> > > KiB (0.0%) fs: swapdev: /dev/dm-2 USB:       Hub: 1-0:1 info:
> > > Full speed (or root) Hub ports: 4 rev: 2.0chip ID:
> > > 1d6b:0002            Device-1: 1-3:2 info: SteelSeries ApS
> > > SteelSeries KLC type:HID            driver: hid-generic,usbhid
> > > rev: 2.0 chip ID: 1038:1122            Device-2: 1-4:3 info: Acer
> > > HD Webcam type: Video driver:uvcvideo rev: 2.0            chip
> > > ID: 5986:211c            Hub: 2-0:1 info: Full speed (or root)
> > > Hub ports: 2 rev: 3.1chip ID: 1d6b:0003            Hub: 3-0:1
> > > info: Full speed (or root) Hub ports: 4 rev: 2.0chip ID:
> > > 1d6b:0002            Device-3: 3-3:2 info: Intel type: Bluetooth
> > > driver: btusbrev: 2.0 chip ID: 8087:0029            Hub: 4-0:1
> > > info: Full speed (or root) Hub ports: 2 rev: 3.1chip ID:
> > > 1d6b:0003 Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 46.5 C mobo:
> > > N/A            Fan Speeds (RPM): N/A            GPU: device:
> > > amdgpu temp: 0 C fan: 65535 device: amdgputemp: 31
> > > C Repos:     No active apt repos in:
> > > /etc/apt/sources.list            Active apt repos
> > > in:/etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-
> > > repositories.list            1: deb http:
> > > // main upstream
> > > import backport           2: deb http: //
> > > focal mainrestricted universe
> > > multiverse           3: deb http: //
> > > main restricted universe
> > > multiverse           4: deb http: //
> > > main restricted universe
> > > multiverse           5: deb http: //
> > > focal-securitymain restricted universe multiverse           6:
> > > deb http: // focal
> > > partnerInfo:      Processes: 372 Uptime: 2h 44m Memory: 15.10 GiB
> > > used: 1.15GiB (7.6%) Init: systemd            v: 245 runlevel: 5
> > > Compilers: gcc: 9.3.0 alt: 9 Client:Unknown python3.8
> > > client            inxi: 3.0.38 [/code]
> > > 
> > > If I am using it interactively, I get random crashes that seems
> > > to hitelements of mate (mate-panel, etc.) consistently - just not
> > > predictably. LibreOffice applications, xed,Firefox, and Evolution
> > > seem to be more proneto crashing the X session. I can easily move
> > > to tty1, login, and killservices running in tty7 as the
> > > crashesdon't appear to completely kill tty7. Sometimes, I can
> > > kill mate andlaunch a new instance to salvagethe tty7 session.
> > > However, i usually end up having to kill the rootpid of the
> > > xwindows session in orderto re-login. But I think this is related
> > > to the AMD GPU driver becauseevery  time I simply move the mouse
> > > in tty7 session, I get the following in dmesg:
> > > [13164.399550] [drm] PCIE GART of 512M enabled (table
> > > at0x0000008000000000).[13164.399579] [drm] PSP is
> > > resuming...[13164.486593] [drm] reserve 0xa00000 from
> > > 0x800f400000 for PSP TMR[13164.678788] amdgpu 0000:03:00.0:
> > > amdgpu: RAS: optional ras ta ucodeis not available[13164.702624]
> > > amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: RAP: optional rap ta ucodeis not
> > > available[13164.702639] amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: SMU is
> > > resuming...[13164.702648] amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: smu driver
> > > if version =0x00000036, smu fw if version = 0x00000037, smu fw
> > > version =0x002a3f00 (42.63.0)[13164.702664] amdgpu 0000:03:00.0:
> > > amdgpu: SMU driver if version notmatched[13164.746143] amdgpu
> > > 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: SMU is resumed successfully![13164.768978]
> > > [drm] kiq ring mec 2 pipe 1 q 0[13164.779651] [drm] VCN decode
> > > and encode initializedsuccessfully(under DPG Mode).[13164.779758]
> > > [drm] JPEG decode initialized successfully.[13164.779779] amdgpu
> > > 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: ring gfx_0.0.0 uses VM inveng 0 on hub
> > > 0[13164.779783] amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: ring comp_1.0.0 uses
> > > VMinv eng 1 on hub 0[13164.779784] amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu:
> > > ring comp_1.1.0 uses VMinv eng 4 on hub 0[13164.779785] amdgpu
> > > 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: ring comp_1.2.0 uses VMinv eng 5 on hub
> > > 0[13164.779786] amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: ring comp_1.3.0 uses
> > > VMinv eng 6 on hub 0[13164.779787] amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu:
> > > ring comp_1.0.1 uses VMinv eng 7 on hub 0[13164.779788] amdgpu
> > > 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: ring comp_1.1.1 uses VMinv eng 8 on hub
> > > 0[13164.779789] amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: ring comp_1.2.1 uses
> > > VMinv eng 9 on hub 0[13164.779790] amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu:
> > > ring comp_1.3.1 uses VMinv eng 10 on hub 0[13164.779792] amdgpu
> > > 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: ring kiq_2.1.0 uses VM inveng 11 on hub
> > > 0[13164.779793] amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: ring sdma0 uses VM
> > > inv eng12 on hub 0[13164.779803] amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu:
> > > ring sdma1 uses VM inv eng13 on hub 0[13164.779804] amdgpu
> > > 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: ring vcn_dec uses VM inveng 0 on hub
> > > 1[13164.779805] amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: ring vcn_enc0 uses
> > > VM inveng 1 on hub 1[13164.779806] amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu:
> > > ring vcn_enc1 uses VM inveng 4 on hub 1[13164.779807] amdgpu
> > > 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: ring jpeg_dec uses VM inveng 5 on hub
> > > 1[13164.783807] amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: [drm] Cannot find any crtc
> > > or sizes[13170.722306] [drm] free PSP TMR buffer
> > > If I boot with nomodeset, I can operate fine - just without
> > > screenbrightness control, etc. It justseems strange that an event
> > > is generated like this all the time.
> > > I only get sporadic crashes, though. Humorously, I've been
> > > runningonly Firefox, crash reporter andMate Terminal this morning
> > > and it's run fine for over 4 hours. Therewere times when I
> > > wouldn't runanything at all and it's lock up on me. So I just
> > > can't find anycommon denominator for this (using vi in terminal
> > > to type this - going to copy-paste into email client[Evolution]
> > > once I'm done this).
> > > I've attached 3 crash reports that were captured on the system
> > > overthe last couple days. I apologizein advance - profusely! - if
> > > the problem turns out to be somewhere else. 
> > > Thanks,Tim 
> > > _______________________________________________amd-gfx mailing 
> > >
> > >

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