

I'm very impressed with what you and your team mates came up,
especially the Forth code with Chinese commands. Very nice
project! You should be proud!


Atommann writes:

> Hi,
> About two weeks ago I met a pretty lady in our office, she told me
> there is a Hackathon hold by their company and Shenzhen Graduate
> School of HIT [link 2].
> At the first moment I have no idea to build what.
> Me: "What's the topic?"
> The pretty lady: "Robots"
> Me: "Good topic! I'll send an email to our mailing list to ask if
> someone else want to join."
> When I wrote that email I suddenly understood that I can build a robot
> using amforth with a bluetooth module, it can accept simple commands
> from computer side and draw graphics on a white board on the floor.

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