Announcing release $40 of amforth

This is the 64th release of amforth in more than
10 years development. It does some fine-tuning
of the I2C library on the AVR platform. There is
now code to use amforth as a I2C slave. Furthermore 
it adds the 'c' number input format and support for 
program specific stacks. "under the hood" are many
small improvements and code simplifications. A lot
of previously hidden words or words that were intended 
for testing purposes only are now available for user 

Atmforth is a 16bit Forth system designed to run on 
AVR Atmega and TI MSP430 microcontrollers. It is 
written in highly optimized assembly and Forth itself, 
most of the core system shares the same source code. The 
core system fits into 8KB of code space. It allows access 
to all controller specific features including support 
for Harvard architecture specific things like multiple 
address spaces of memory (EEPROM, flash, RAM). The Forth 
interpreter compiles directly into the flash (or FRAM) 
memory. Amforth supports most features of the Forth
2012 standard and has a few enhancements over it like

Amforth is released under the Terms of the Gnu Public 
License v3 (GPL) and is available with full source code 
and documentation at

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