Hello Jan,

your i2c address: "$38", is this the 7bit address? You might
need to shift it by one position to "$70".

Just an idea.

Jan Kromhout writes:

> Hi,
> This is my first step on the I2C road.
> I have a Gravitech shield for the Arduino, that work well.
> The code is very simple, and I have translate it to Forth.
> The display is not working.
> I include the Forth code. What is wrong?
> Thangs for any help.
> Cheers,
> Jan
> \ Gravitech display, I2C Generic
> marker --gravitech--
> $38 constant 7SEG  \ I2C address for 7-Segment
> / Configure 7-Segment to 12mA segment output current, Dynamic mode,
> / and Digits 1, 2, 3 AND 4 are NOT blanked
> : init7SEG
>   7SEG i2c.begin
>     0 7SEG i2c.c!
>     %01000111 7SEG i2c.c!
>   i2c.end
> ;
> : Send7SEG  ( Digit Number )
>   7SEG i2c.begin
>     swap 7SEG i2c.c! \ Digit
>     7SEG i2c.c!      \ Number
>   i2c.end
> ;
> /* Configure 7-Segment to 12mA segment output current, Dynamic mode,
>      and Digits 1, 2, 3 AND 4 are NOT blanked */
>   Wire.beginTransmission(_7SEG);
>   Wire.write(0);
>   Wire.write(B01000111);
>   Wire.endTransmission();
> /***************************************************************************
>  Function Name: Send7SEG
>  Purpose:
>    Send I2C commands to drive 7-segment display.
> ****************************************************************************/
> void Send7SEG (byte Digit, byte Number)
> {
>   Wire.beginTransmission(_7SEG);
>   Wire.write(Digit);
>   Wire.write(Number);
>   Wire.endTransmission();
> }
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