
It's been a long time since the last release so
I felt it's time for a new one.

The release 6.8 is an adventure release. It is
for the brave ones. It contains experimental 
stuff that is not yet stabilized. It's more a 
snapshot release of a work in progress. I welcome
feedback, patches etc.

The RISC-V can now compile to RAM. The amforth-shell 
utility can be used to upload code, some examples that 
are close to the CPU are included. Note that the dictionary
search is still awfully slow.

A by-product of the work on the RISC-V is another 
platform that found it's way to amforth: ARM. First 
with an old Launchpad Stellaris board, nobody but me 
probably still owns, and later on Linux too. To be 
more precious it runs inside a qemu on a PC and nativly on 
a Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi can build amforth with 
the standard binutils too. This opens a door to the 
fascinating world of the Linux platform from the lowest 
level up. Since it's not running bare metal, all features of 
Linux are available, as long as ... code gets written. There 
is no interface to C libs, hard core syscall swi#0 is the 
way to go, examples included :)

Both 32-bit platforms share a great amount of code, and the
build toolchain too. All that would not be possible without
the work of Matthias Koch, the author of another great
Forth system called mecrisp. His system is much more 
complex however, I like the simple ones better ;)

All information about the new platforms is at the
website http://amforth.sf.net/.

What about the platforms AVR and MSP430? They got 
some small fixes, but nothing really breathtaking.
Update is recommended, but not strictly necessary.

Thanks to all, who contributed and kept the mailing 
list active. Your work is very appreciated!

Have fun

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