Am Mittwoch, den 06.03.2019, 08:56 +0000 schrieb Tristan Williams:
> I would like to try and see if I can get AmForth running on the
> ATmega4809 IC and specifically on the ATmega4809 Curiosity Nano
> [1]   
> The ATmega4809 is a relatively new IC and so does not have a
> directory
> in amforth-6.8/avr8/devices. Consequently it does not have the part
> specific .frt , .asm , .inc , .py and .pyc files. These files suggest
> that they are automatically generated. Is this something I can do
> from
> the amforth-6.8 distribution?

I wrote a utility script that took the part description files
from the atmel studio as input and generates the files. Unfortunately,
the script is unmaintainable and Atmel / Microchip changed the
XML format every now and than. It's a big job, I'm afraid. No
quick fix.


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