I think revision 2122, 2016-06-26 (the latest for that file) for
page "Turnkey applications" wiped out the 'variable' line for
the containing old turnkey thingy (now 'tk.amforth') -


    Corresponding web page: http://amforth.sourceforge.net/TG/recipes/Turnkey.html

Thus, before the line " ' turnkey defer@ Evalue tk.amforth "
(line 38/39) there should probably be this line(?):

    variable tk.amforth

The error message is the non-descriptive:

    ?? -13 23

'Evalue' was found in:


(I have done my first real Forth project (the first version
  is based on Arduino Uno hardware), and it is going to be
  deployed to the real world! In exactly one instance. It
  involves sending RC codes (433.92 MHz) to a 220 V relay.

  The turnkey thing is the last hurdle. And perhaps avoiding
  hardware reset (I/O ports, etc.) when connecting through

  I have also installed Mecrisp Stellaris Forth on the 1Bitsy
  intended for some CAN bus work, but this is the first real

Peter Mortensen

Amforth-devel mailing list for http://amforth.sf.net/

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