
I've had this one brewing for some time.

Looking at schemes for: AT90CAN128 & ATA6612C. Common variables
between chips: WDTCSR (WDTCR), WDTOE (WDCE), WDCE, WDE.
WDTCSR & WDTOE are included "For compatibility" in the CAN chip.

I include this in cold.asm. It should work with the two WDTs in the
chip series above as well as chips with no WDT at all:

.if defined(WDTCSR)
; There's a WDT, so we reset it as per the docs.
        in_     temp0, WDTCSR
        ori     temp0, (1<<WDCE) | (1<<WDE)
        out_    WDTCSR, temp0
        andi    temp0, ~(1<<WDE)
        out_    WDTCSR, temp0

If there is a third type of WDT then I'll think again.

IMHO this should be included in the boot-up code for all AVR8's. At the
end of the day, Aunty Atmel knows best and more about their chips than
any of us do, so if they say do it - just do it.

RIP Matthias Trute.


Martin Nicholas.

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