Hello Tristan, Erich and fellow lurking AmForthers (I really do like this
intro Tristan) :)

It really does seem that you may have caught the tiger by the tail Tristan.
For better or for worse even!

For the better (hey, you caught the tiger) :
I think your layout really goes a long way toward documenting the used
words. The last few days before I saw your mail I had been thinking of this
very thing, to use the local build for the refcard. I hadn't, however, seen
the obvious which was to use the list file. I used it when I was trying to
find what was compiled into the base system and then finding useful
assembly files to build into my hex. It's funny how a new set of eyes sees
the obvious. Well played indeed.
A few things of note from your examples. Since the items will most likely
be listed by category the "category:" would be redundant. It also would
seem pretty trivial to remove the "C:" or "R:" from the stack effects if
they were to be listed in the way you have. It makes it very clear what is
going on as well as being consistent. Having the location of the asm file
is super. Too many times I'm searching my local system for just that very
thing. Of course it is listed in the lst file which makes perfect sense to
show it. It could even open the door to having a location to forth source
files there as well. It would just be a matter of putting the location in
the comments in some way. I know you have shown interest in having that
easy to find as well Erich. Perhaps something like that could be a good
I have a file in my appl directory that I use to upload everything I add
after burning a new hex into the controller. It is just a list of locations
for files that get added after the fact. It would seem that something like
this could even be added into the documentation process. Say perhaps, to
give an upload file name to the script before running so it could parse out
the frt files that will be added after. Of course, that would mean they
would have to have some consistent system of comments as well... In any
case, it does open that door.

And for the worse:
This does drastically change what the current refcard is. That is to say,
right now it was just a dump of the base system without regard to usage,
more to availability. For the website there would have to be cards
generated for different architectures and perhaps even NWWR sizes. So, what
to do? Maybe the easiest would be to have some generic setups in the appl
dir (most likely many already exist) and run the refcard script against
them while building for the website (or perhaps even locally, it won't take
much time) then using that to create an array of refcards that could be
grouped together as web pages. The point is, that amforth.asm will dictate
what a more or less default system will be and that can be used for the

Overall, I really like the direction of this proposal from Tristan. I think
it does capture what the refcard should do for the end user.

All the best,

On Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 3:00 PM Tristan Williams <h...@tjnw.co.uk> wrote:

> Hello Mark, Erich, AmForthers,
> I agreed with Mark's comment below
> >> It seems that the intent of the refcard was to document the things that
> >> are compiled into the system.
> and commented
> > For me, the scope of the/each refcard is defined by the
> > distribution build for each architecture (AVR8, msp430, etc.). If the
> > refcard script were part of the hex build process then a custom
> > refcard could be a product of the build process also.
> For AVR8, the .lst file produced as part of the build process lists
> all the .asm files used in building the hex files. Modifying Mark's
> perl script from
> https://sourceforge.net/p/amforth/mailman/message/37060541/
> so that it uses only the included files listed in the .lst file, a
> list of words with the their documentation fields can output. These
> are specific to the individual build, rather than to the general
> assembly source tree.  Giving something like this (see end of
> message). As Mark pointed out
> >> There is still the issue of files that don't have the 3 lines at the top
> >> of stack effects, category and description.
> Making these (assembly) files compliant would require some coordinated
> effort - some of which has been already done I believe, but after that
> a build specific ref card documenting built-in words could just
> be another automated part of the hex build process.
> Not perhaps the perfect ref card - whatever that is, but achievable
> and with a clearly defined scope. Certainly something I would make use
> of.
> Best wishes,
> Tristan
> Edited example (text) output of the modified script for uno.lst
> ....
> Arithmetics
> -----------
> VOC      : 1-
> DSTACK   : ( n1 -- n2 )
> RSTACK   :
> CSTACK   :
> DESC     :  optimized decrement
> CATEGORY :  Arithmetics
> ASM_FILE : amforth-6.92/avr8/words/1minus.asm
> VOC      : 1+
> DSTACK   : ( n1|u1 -- n2|u2 )
> RSTACK   :
> CSTACK   :
> DESC     :  optimized increment
> CATEGORY :  Arithmetics
> ASM_FILE : amforth-6.92/avr8/words/1plus.asm
> VOC      : 2/
> DSTACK   : ( n1 -- n2 )
> RSTACK   :
> CSTACK   :
> DESC     :  arithmetic shift right
> CATEGORY :  Arithmetics
> ASM_FILE : amforth-6.92/avr8/words/2slash.asm
> Compiler
> --------
> VOC      : 2literal
> DSTACK   : ( -- x1 x2 )
> RSTACK   :
> CSTACK   : (C: x1 x2 -- )
> DESC     :  compile a cell pair literal in colon definitions
> CATEGORY :  Compiler
> ASM_FILE : amforth-6.92/common/words/2literal.asm
> VOC      : again
> DSTACK   : ( -- )
> RSTACK   :
> CSTACK   : (C: dest -- )
> DESC     :  compile a jump back to dest
> CATEGORY :  Compiler
> ASM_FILE : amforth-6.92/common/words/again.asm
> VOC      : ahead
> DSTACK   : ( f -- )
> RSTACK   :
> CSTACK   : (C: -- orig )
> DESC     :  do a unconditional branch
> CATEGORY :  Compiler
> ASM_FILE : amforth-6.92/common/words/ahead.asm
> ....
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