Hello Mark,

so you found the subtle difference between @ and c@, congrats! :-)

Mark Roth writes:

> So because of grabbing a word it seems that I was bringing in the PINB
> register as well that had a value in it. So that is where the extra bits
> came from.
> : cylon
>>     $ff ddra c! 1 porta c!
>>     begin 40 ms
>>         7 0 do porta c@ 2* porta c! 40 ms loop
>>         7 0 do porta c@ 2/ porta c! 40 ms loop
>>     key? until ;
> So this works exactly as I wanted it to. I am really starting to understand
> the value of interactive debugging by just running each line to see what is
> going on. Once I looked at the stack while stepping it made
> perfect sense.

Numbers: Over time I have adopted the style to prefix each and
every number except for 0 and 1. I have been in the situation
too often, that base was not 10 like expected but rather 16.

>: cylon
>     $ff ddra c! 1 porta c!
>     begin #40 ms
>         #7 0 do porta c@ 2* porta c! #40 ms loop
>         #7 0 do porta c@ 2/ porta c! #40 ms loop
>     key? until ;

Number output

>> It's a common display situation in Forth. Leading zeros aren't display,
>> even when they exist.

/Very often/ I use " u0.r " for exactly this reason.


May the Forth be with you ...

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