David looks like preamble.Inc is not finding device.asm in devices/atmega8
could be to many folders in path. I have used avrstudio4 and enter the
avr8/devices/atmega8 in its additional path setting, you may need to look
up the serial the chip has and set that in the config file

On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 22:18 David Kuehling, <dvdkh...@posteo.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been trying to get AmForth onto this Atmega 8 based platform:
>   https://www.elektronik-labor.de/Lernpakete/Pingong.html
>   https://www.elektronik-labor.de/Elo/ELO.html
> Which is sold cheaply as a toy:
> https://de.elv.com/franzis-ping-pong-das-retro-spiel-zum-selberbauen-bausatz-144843
> Already soldered the ISP connector and a serial TTL cable.  However,
> AmForth (v6.9) does not seem to compile for Atmega8 in its current
> version.  Copying the template directory and editing makefile to say
> "MCU=atmega8", I'm getting a lot of compiler errors that indicate an
> overflow of the RWW dictionary space:
> ../../avr8\amforth-interpreter.asm(4): error: Overlap in .cseg: addr=0xc00
> conflicts with 0x7a:0xc58
> ../../avr8\amforth-interpreter.asm(5): error: Overlap in .cseg: addr=0xc01
> conflicts with 0x7a:0xc58
> [..]
> If I randomly comment out words in avr/appl_2k.inc, I get a little
> further.  However, then compilation errs out in the UART driver code and
> complains about stuff in macros.asm:
> ../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(1): error: Undefined symbol: UBRR0L
> ../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(2): error: Undefined symbol: UBRR0H
> ../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(3): error: Undefined symbol: UCSR0C
> ../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(4): error: Undefined symbol: UCSR0B
> ../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(5): error: Undefined symbol: UCSR0A
> ../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(12): error: Undefined symbol: RXC0
> ../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(13): error: Undefined symbol: UDRE0
> ../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(14): error: Undefined symbol: TXEN0
> ../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(15): error: Undefined symbol: RXEN0
> ../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(16): error: Undefined symbol: RXCIE0
> ../../avr8\drivers/usart_0.asm(17): error: Undefined symbol: UDRIE0
> ../../avr8\macros.asm(94): error: jmp k: Unsupported instruction on ATmega8
> ../../avr8\macros.asm(94): error: jmp k: Unsupported instruction on ATmega8
> ../../avr8\macros.asm(94): error: jmp k: Unsupported instruction on ATmega8
> ../../avr8\macros.asm(94): error: jmp k: Unsupported instruction on ATmega8
> And this is even before I try to resolve all the problems arising from
> the words that I commented out.
> Maybe the Atmega8-specific code has been bit-rotting without being used
> for too long already?  What do you think are my chances to make this
> work again?  Any ideas what's wrong about the Uart drivers and how to
> strip down AmForth to fit into 8 kB of flash?  Or has AmForth just
> gotten too old and fat over the years to render this undertaking
> unachievable?
> (I did some experiments with an Arduino Uno clone first, and had no
> problem compiling and setting up AmForth on it.)
> Maybe the Arduboy [1] would be better suited to AmForth, but it's also
> more costly and complex to program.  I'm also eyeing the uzebox [2], but
> getting its video driver into AmForth would be a daunting endevour.
> cheers,
> David
> [1]
> https://www.reichelt.de/arduboy-arduino-kompatibles-miniaturspielsystem-ard-arduboy-p254388.html?&trstct=pos_0&nbc=1
> [2] http://belogic.com/uzebox/index.asp
> --
> GnuPG public key: http://dvdkhlng.users.sourceforge.net/dk2.gpg
> Fingerprint: B63B 6AF2 4EEB F033 46F7  7F1D 935E 6F08 E457 205F
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