typo correction - " If you don't *know if* your ATmega2560 binaries are
correctly compiled, AmForth does have precompiled ready to load ATmega328p
binaries that you can load to an ArduinoUNO as a way of learning to
understand AVRDUDE and proper FUSE settings."

On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 2:15 PM George Herzog <jackalopete...@gmail.com>

> Hi Helen,
> I strongly advise you to* avoid *use of Atmel Studio or the Microchip
> successor.
> Using the standalone Atmel assembler in Windows is a much easier solution
> to control. The Microsoft VisualStudio software bogs down and has a very
> challenging learning curve with getting good results.
> *It sounds as though you successfully compiled binaries in hex files, but
> you may very likely hit a snag in AVRDUDE. *
> It is very common when installing Forth to deploy the wrong fuse setting
> and end up with no serial port response. So you might consider using an
> online Atmel Fuse calculator to confirm your fuse settings.
> HERE IS A LINK ==> https://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc/
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Also, make sure that you understand what the AVRDUDE output is saying.
> There are 3 separate parts to a successful download.  The .hex file for the
> flash, the .hex file for the eeprom, and the FUSE settings.
> If you don't your ATmega2560 binaries are correctly compiled, AmForth does
> have precompiled ready to load ATmega328p binaries that you can load to an
> ArduinoUNO as a way of learning to understand AVRDUDE and proper FUSE
> settings.
> I hope this will help.
> George Herzog
> On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 3:33 AM Helge Kruse <helge.kr...@gmx.net> wrote:
>> I am a newby to amForth. I want to use it at ATmega 2560. For the first
>> steps I want to use the more common board Arduino UNO.
>> I flashed the files uno.hex and uno.eep.hex from the directory
>> amforth-6.9\appl\arduino to my Arduino UNO. This gives me a greeting
>> amforth 6.9 ATmega328P Forthduino
>>  >
>> I think, the mega328p fuses and the USB/serial connection are verified.
>> Now I want to build the amForth from the sources. The documentation at
>> http://amforth.sourceforge.net/UG/quick-windows.html is a bit dated (for
>> amForth 6.6). The Atmel studio is not available anymore. I found only
>> the Microchip Studio 7 as the successor of the Atmel studio at the
>> Microchip website. (Atmel has been purchased by Microchip.)
>> I set up a main.asm file as
>>      .include "preamble.inc"
>>      .equ F_CPU = 16000000
>>      .include "drivers/usart.asm"
>>      .include "amforth.asm"
>> and configured the include directories:
>>         $(PackRepoDir)\atmel\ATmega_DFP\1.6.364\avrasm\inc
>>         amforth-6.9\avr8
>>         amforth-6.9\avr8\devices\atmega328p
>>         amforth-6.9\appl\arduino
>>         amforth-6.9\common
>> Without these directories some .asm files had not been found. The
>> Microchip Studio 7 compiles without errors:
>> avrasm2.exe -fI -o my.hex -e my.eep -S my.tmp -W+ie -I"D:/Program Files
>> (x86)\Atmel\Studio\7.0\Packs\atmel\ATmega_DFP\1.6.364\avrasm\inc"
>> -I"amforth-6.9\avr8" -I"amforth-6.9\avr8\devices\atmega32"
>> -I"amforth-6.9\appl\arduino" -I"amforth-6.9\common" -im32def.inc -d
>> "Debug\myprog_m32.obj" "main.asm" -I "D:\Program Files
>> (x86)\Atmel\Studio\7.0\toolchain\avr8\avrassembler\Include"
>> Segment   Begin    End      Code   Data   Used    Size   Use%
>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>> [.cseg] 0x000000 0x007f82   1838  11508  13346   32768  40.7%
>> [.dseg] 0x000060 0x00011f      0    191    191    2048   9.3%
>> [.eseg] 0x000000 0x000086      0    134    134    1024  13.1%
>> Assembly complete, 0 errors. 8 warnings
>> I can also provide the complete assembler stdout stream. But I hesitate
>> to send such a large mail to the list without request.
>> But after flashing my.hex and my.eep to the Arduino UNO I can see
>> nothing. Therefore I assume something's wrong with my build.
>> Can somebody provide an minimum example for a basic amForth project with
>> the Microchip Studio 7?
>> Is there any updated documentation for the build process that handles
>> the Studio 7 environment?
>> Any hints how I find and remove the problem?
>> I hope this can be easily solved. I've seen in the mailing list archive
>> that a build with mega2560 was successful lately.
>> Best regards,
>> Helge
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