That's great.... now we are back to business..

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:40 AM, <> wrote:

> Pak Hok.. trm ksh infonya, saya hanya berbagi dan perlu saya sampaikan
> bahwa dalam pembuatan AFL terdapat bbrp komponen, yaitu ;
> basic price chart, function (biasanya hsil oprekan), indicator colaborate
> to price dan accesoris. kebetulan saja yg saya gunakan dalam pembuatan
> "Simple Trading" basic chartnya adl Nifty (yg saya dapatkan dr rekan saya di
> india), kmrn pd saat saya buat pretty bollinger saya menggunakan Heikin Ashi
> sbg basic price chart. mungkin chart price ibarat kanvas pd lukisan ygmana
> si penggemar lukisan tdk terlalu memikirkan kanvasnya krn yg penting
> lukisannya, baiklah atas informasi ini saya akan tukar basic chartnya dgn yg
> lain. tp lukisan tersebut terletak fractal B/S dimana itu adl hasil oprekan
> saya sendiri, silahkan cek dan buktikan di nifty tdk terdpt fractal
> tersebut.
> supaya gak ragu, Simple Trading akan saya copot kembali basic chartnya,
> akan saya ganti dgn ADX price chart, nanti akan saya susulkan kemudian.
> demikian dan terima kasih.
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* Timur Langit <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Thu, June 17, 2010 9:59:49 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [Komunitas AmiBroker] Simple Trading
> Oh, saya tidak perhatikan.. ....
> ok... no more conversation about this one.
> timur
>  On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 9:03 AM, Liem Hok Hwan <limh...@gmail. 
> com<>
> > wrote:
>> Terus terang ada bagian yang agak menggagu saya adalah ini :
>> _SECTION_BEGIN("NiftyTradersSingleE ma");
>> // NiftyTradersSinglee ma filtered system
>> // Do not *redistribute*: Copyright Niftytraders
>> // Contact: niftytradersinc@ <> for
>> pricing.
>>  Kalau kita redistribute, walaupun kita sudah cantumkan hal diatas,
>> secara hukum kita salah lho. Ini pasti memancing polemik. Saya sangat
>> menghargai smenagat berbagi pak Is, tapi kalau sduah ada tulisan spt ini,
>> saya mending nggak mau ikut opreg-opreg.
>> H1
>>  On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 12:26 AM, <isfandi2001@ 
>> > wrote:
>>>  Pak Timur & Rekan2 AB,
>>> Menjawab bbrp pertanyaan Pak Timur terakhir, mungkin afl yg saya sertakan
>>> ini lbh cocok utk menjawab kebutuhan, atau bisa dijadikan perbandingan.
>>> ini hanya fractal menuju suatu pendekatan thdp pola bermain pastinya jauh
>>> dari yg sempurna, semua kembali pd diri kita masing2. mungkin saya off dulu
>>> smtr waktu, mohon Pak Timur dan rekan lainnya berkenan membantu menjawab
>>> bila ada pertanyaan, dan terima kasih sebelumnya.
>>> Semoga rekan2 lain dapat terbantu, keterangan ada pada pic terlampir.
>>> "katanya, afl boleh ketuker tapi rejeki gak bakalan bisa ketuker ya..?
>>> Ok Guys... Happy Operating"
>>> salam,
>>> Isfandi
>>> afl ;
>>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> _SECTION_BEGIN("NiftyTradersSingleE ma");
>>> // NiftyTradersSinglee ma filtered system
>>> // Do not redistribute: Copyright Niftytraders
>>> // Contact: niftytradersinc@ <> for
>>> pricing.
>>> SetChartOptions( 0,chartShowArrow s=0|chartShowDat es);
>>> _N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo
>>> %g, Cl %g, Vol %g, (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, V,SelectedValue( ROC(
>>> C, 1 ) ) ));
>>> Colorme=ParamColor("Color", colorWhite );
>>> Colorme=IIf( Colorme== colorWhite, IIf(C<O,colorRed,colorLim e),Colorme)
>>> ;
>>> Plot( C, "Close", Colorme , styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") |
>>> GetPriceStyle( ) );
>>> trailingstopema= Param("Trstopema",13,5,65*5,2) ;
>>> Shortema=Param("ShortEMA",2,1,8,1);
>>> Offset=Param("EMAOffset",1,1,5,1);
>>> gannhi=Ref(EMA( H,Shortema) ,-Offset) ;
>>> gannlo=Ref(EMA( L,Shortema) ,-Offset) ;
>>> trigger=EMA( C,trailingstopem a);
>>> Lttrend=IIf( C>EMA(C,trailingstope ma),1,-1) ;
>>> tradefilter= 1;
>>> Buyme=Cross( C,gannhi) AND tradefilter; //AND Lttrend==1;
>>> Sellme=Cross( gannlo,C) AND C<trigger;
>>> //Sellme=C<Ref(LLV(L,3) ,-2) AND C<trigger;
>>> Shortme=Sellme AND LTtrend==-1;
>>> Coverme=Buyme;
>>> RestorePriceArrays( );
>>> Plot(trigger,"trig",colorOrange) ;
>>> Buy=Buyme;
>>> Sell=Sellme;
>>> Short=Shortme;
>>> Cover=Coverme;
>>> //Cleansignals( );
>>> function Plotsignal(SignalOf fset,Offset)
>>> {
>>> global Buy,Sell,Short, Cover;
>>> Buyme=ExRem( Buy,Sell) ;
>>> Sellme=ExRem( Sell,Buy) ;
>>> Shortme=ExRem( Short,Cover) ;
>>> Coverme=ExRem( Cover,Short) ;
>>> Bs=Ref(Buyme, -SignalOffset) ;
>>> Ss=Ref(Sellme, -SignalOffset) ;
>>> Shs=Ref(Shortme, -SignalOffset) ;
>>> cs=Ref(Coverme, -SignalOffset) ;
>>> //shape=shapeUpArro w*Bs+shapeDownAr row*Ss+Cs* shapeHollowUpArr
>>> ow+Shs*shapeHoll owDownArrow;
>>> shape=IIf(CS, shapeHollowUpArrow, 0);
>>> shape=IIf(Shs, shapeHollowDownArro w,shape);
>>> shape=IIf(Ss, shapeDownArrow, shape);
>>> shape=IIf(Bs, shapeUpArrow, shape);
>>> //Colorme=(Bs OR Cs)*colorBrightGree n+(Ss OR Shs)*colorRed;
>>> Colorme=IIf( Bs OR Cs,colorBrightGreen ,0);
>>> Colorme=IIf( Ss OR SHs, colorRed,Colorme) ;
>>> //Offsetme=50* Buy-50*Sell;
>>> //Offsetme=IIf( Bs,Offset, Offset);
>>> Offsetme=0-ATR( 5)*Offset; //*Offset;
>>> Signal1=Bs OR ss OR Cs OR shs;
>>> PlotShapes(IIf( Signal1,shape, 0),Colorme, 0,IIf(Bs OR Cs,L,H),Offsetme)
>>> ;
>>> // test text writing
>>> y=IIf(bs,L,H) ;
>>> text=WriteIf( bs,"Buy me", "Sell me");
>>> dist=0-2*Offsetme;
>>> //for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )
>>> {
>>> //if( Buy[i] ) PlotText( "Buy\n@" + C[ i ], i, L[ i ]-dist[i],
>>> colorGreen );
>>> //if( Sell[i] ) PlotText( "Sell\n@" + C[ i ], i, H[ i ]+dist[i],
>>> colorRed, colorYellow );
>>> }
>>>     return 0;
>>> }
>>> Plotsignal(0, 0.1);
>>> //PositionScore= EMA(C,13) /EMA(C,34) ;
>>> //MAnagesize( );
>>> _SECTION_END( );
>>> _SECTION_BEGIN("Price");
>>> SetChartOptions( 0,chartShowArrow s|chartShowDates );
>>> _N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo
>>> %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) Vol " +WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) +" {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C,
>>> SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 )) ));
>>> Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle |
>>> ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle( ) );
>>> if( ParamToggle("Tooltip shows", "All Values|Only Prices" ) )
>>> {
>>> ToolTip=StrFormat("Open: %g\nHigh: %g\nLow: %g\nClose: %g
>>> (%.1f%%)\nVolume: "+NumToStr( V, 1 ), O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1
>>> )));
>>> }
>>> _SECTION_END( );
>>> _SECTION_BEGIN("Pivot Trading System");
>>> // User defined parameters.
>>> GraphXSpace = 5; //defines how much extra space should be added above and
>>> below graph line (in percent).
>>> dist = 0.50*ATR(30) ;
>>> Capital=Param("Total capital",100000,10000, 1000000,1000) ;
>>> drawdown=Param("Max. loss per trade as % of Capital", 1.0,0.5,25.0, 0.1);
>>> room=Param("Room for S/L as % of Pivot value",0.001,0.001, 0.02,0.001) ;
>>> PH= ValueWhen(
>>> (Ref(H,-2) > Ref(H, -4)) AND
>>> (Ref(H,-2) > Ref(H, -3)) AND
>>> (Ref(H,-2) > Ref(H, -1)) AND
>>> (Ref(H,-2) > H), Ref(H,-2));
>>> PL= ValueWhen(
>>> (Ref(L,-2) <= Ref(L, -4)) AND
>>> (Ref(L,-2) <= Ref(L, -3)) AND
>>> (Ref(L,-2) <= Ref(L, -1)) AND
>>> (Ref(L,-2) <= L), Ref(L,-2));
>>> for (a=4;a<BarCount;a++ )
>>> {
>>> if ((H[a-2] >= H[a-4]) AND
>>> (H[a-2] >= H[a-3]) AND
>>> (H[a-2] >= H[a-1]) AND
>>> (H[a-2] >= H[a]))
>>> PlotText("S", a-2, H[a-2], colorYellow) ;
>>> if ((L[a-2] <= L[a-4]) AND
>>> (L[a-2] <= L[a-3]) AND
>>> (L[a-2] <= L[a-1]) AND
>>> (L[a-2] <= L[a]))
>>> PlotText("B", a-2, L[a-2]-dist[ a-2], colorBrightGreen) ;
>>> }
>>> //Condition for buy : Enter when Close crosses latest pivot high.
>>> Buy = C> (PH+(room*PH) );
>>> initialStopBuy= Ref(PL,2) -(Ref(PL, 2)*room/100) ;
>>> trailStopBuy= IIf(C>PH,Ref(initialStopB uy,-1),initialSt opBuy);
>>> newStopBuy=trailSto pBuy;
>>> BuyLimitCapital= int(Capital/ C);
>>> SLbuy=round( C-initialStopBuy );
>>> BuyLimitSL=int( (Capital* drawdown) /(100*SLbuy) );
>>> //Condition for sell : Exit when previous pivot low is cracked.
>>> Sell = C< (PL-(room*PL) );
>>> Buy = ExRem(Buy,Sell) ;
>>> Sell= ExRem(Sell,Buy) ;
>>> Short = Sell;
>>> Cover = Buy;
>>> Short=ExRem( Short,Cover) ;
>>> Cover=ExRem( Cover,Short) ;
>>> shape = Buy * shapeHollowUpArrow + Sell * shapeDownArrow;
>>> PlotShapes( shape, IIf( Buy, colorRed, colorDarkOliveGreen ),0, IIf( Buy,
>>> Low, High ) );
>>> pivotlow = Ref(L,-1)>L AND L<Ref(L,1);
>>> y0=SelectedValue( ValueWhen( pivotlow, L,2) );
>>> y1=SelectedValue( ValueWhen( pivotlow, L,1) );
>>> x0=SelectedValue( ValueWhen( pivotlow, Cum( 1)-1,2));
>>> x1=SelectedValue( ValueWhen( pivotlow, Cum( 1)-1,1));
>>> Cond=y1>y0;
>>> Line=LineArray( x0,y0,x1, y1,1);
>>> Plot(IIf(Cond, Line,Null) ,"",colorBlue,styleLin e|
>>> styleThick|styleNoR escale|styleNoLa bel);
>>> PlotShapes(( Cum(1)-1= =x0 OR Cum(1)-1==x1)
>>> *shapeSmallCircle, colorWhite, 0,L);
>>> PlotShapes(( cond AND Cross(Cum(C<Line AND Cum(1)-1>x1),0))
>>> *shapeHollowDownArr ow,colorYellow, 0,H);
>>> _SECTION_END( );
>>> _SECTION_BEGIN("BB_Double 20_25 and 20_10  HLC/3");
>>> ////BOL BAND 18////////// ///////// ///////// ///////// /////////
>>> ///////// /
>>> P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
>>> Periods = Param("Periods", 20, 2, 100, 1 );
>>> Width = Param("Width", 2, 0, 10, 0.05 );
>>> P=(H+L+C)/3;
>>> BT2 = BBandTop( P, 20, 2.5 );
>>> BB2 = BBandBot( P, 20, 2.5 );
>>> ColorBand=ColorRGB( 35,35,200) ;
>>> Plot( BT2, "" + _PARAM_VALUES( ), ColorBand, styleLine|styleNoLa bel);
>>> Plot( BB2, "" + _PARAM_VALUES( ), ColorBand, styleLine|styleNoLa bel);
>>> BT1 = BBandTop( P, 20, 1 );
>>> BB1 = BBandBot( P, 20, 1 );
>>> Plot( BT1, "" + _PARAM_VALUES( ), ColorBand, styleLine|styleNoLa bel);
>>> Plot( BB1, "" + _PARAM_VALUES( ), ColorBand, styleLine|styleNoLa bel);
>>> PlotOHLC( 0, BT2 , BT1 , BT1 , "Cloud", IIf(BT2 > BT1 ,ColorRGB(5,
>>> 20,30),colorDark Teal), styleCloud | styleNoLabel) ;
>>> PlotOHLC( 0, BB1 , BB2 , BB2 , "Cloud", IIf(BB1 > BB2 ,ColorRGB(5,
>>> 20,30),colorDark Teal), styleCloud | styleNoLabel) ;
>>> _SECTION_END( );
>>> Q = Param( "% Change", 2, 0.1, 10, 0.1 );
>>> Z = Zig( C , q ) ;
>>> HH = ( ( Z < Ref( Z, -1 ) AND Ref( Z, -1 ) > Ref( Z, -2 ) ) AND (Peak( z,
>>> q, 1 ) > Peak( Z, q, 2 ) ) );
>>> LH = ( ( Z < Ref( Z, -1 ) AND Ref( Z, -1 ) > Ref( Z, -2 ) ) AND (Peak( Z,
>>> q, 1 ) < Peak( Z, q, 2 ) ) );
>>> HL = ( ( Z > Ref( Z, -1 ) AND Ref( Z, -1 ) < Ref( Z, -2 ) ) AND (Trough(
>>> Z, q, 1 ) > Trough( Z, q, 2 ) ) );
>>> LL = ( ( Z > Ref( Z, -1 ) AND Ref( Z, -1 ) < Ref( Z, -2 ) ) AND (Trough(
>>> Z, q, 1 ) < Trough( Z, q, 2 ) ) );
>>> GraphXSpace = 5;
>>> dist = 0.75 * ATR( 50 );
>>> for ( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )
>>> {
>>>     if ( HH[i] )
>>>         PlotText( "HH", i, H[ i ] + dist[i], colorRed );
>>>     if ( LH[i] )
>>>         PlotText( "LH", i, H[ i ] + dist[i], colorOrange );
>>>     if ( HL[i] )
>>>         PlotText( "HL", i, L[ i ] - dist[i], colorDarkYellow );
>>>     if ( LL[i] )
>>>         PlotText( "LL", i, L[ i ] - dist[i], colorWhite );
>>> }
>>> _SECTION_END( );
>  <>

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