Keknya chart INTP lebih menarik dari SMGR ??? ... ingat artikel ttg 52weeks
on Friday... kalao tidak salah, hari ini kejadian di INTP...
sayang modalnya ndak ado...

Disclaimer ya...

On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 10:33 AM, Timur Langit <> wrote:

> Udah dihitung belum, berapa target Den BEI?
> Saya bersih2 ah mumpung hijau... kalau salah ya berarti rejeki nya cuma
> segini...
> habis target wave-5 den BEI saya sudah tercapai sih di 3031 ....
> peta kedepannya udah gelap sih....
> tapi coba nongkrong bentar di UNVR dan SMGR ah..... sapa tahu senin dapat
> uang parkir.
> ini cuma ngasi tau aja.... ngikut resiko sendiri ya
> Timur
> On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 9:43 AM, Aliyani Syukur <>wrote:
>> seperti kata2nya Neely nih
>> cmiiw
>>  ------------------------------
>> *From:* Timur Langit <>
>> *To:*
>> *Sent:* Fri, July 23, 2010 8:57:15 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: [Komunitas AmiBroker] Uh oh, black candle!
>> Untuk melengkapi petanya mas Yohan. Nanti kalau sudah bikin wave-2 kita
>> bahas lagi petanya.
>>  Ø  Wave 5 will usually move beyond the end of Wave 3.
>> Ø  The most likely price targets for Wave 5 are: 61.8% of Wave 1, 100% of
>> Wave 1, 161.8% of Wave 1, 161.8% of the length from the beginning of Wave 1
>> to end of Wave 3.
>> Ø  It is unusual for Wave 5 to travel a greater price or time percentage
>> than Wave 3 traveled in its entirety.
>> Ø  When Wave 5 is extended (more than 161.8% longer than both Waves 1 and
>> 3) a point within wave 4 will often divide the entire Impulse Wave by 1.618.
>> Ø  If Wave 5 is extended (more than 161.8% longer than both Waves 1 and
>> 3), it is common for its price length to be about 161.8% of the gross price
>> length between the beginning of Wave 1 to end of Wave 3.
>>  On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 5:06 PM, Yohan Arsianto <yohan.arsianto@
>> <>> wrote:
>>>  Just like the title said, Uh oh....Is this the beginning of the so
>>> called healthy correction?  Who knows?
>>> As far as I have noticed in this so called TA world, nothing is fixed in
>>> stone.  So why should we care? The answer: we shouldn't.
>>> To a certain degree that is.  Let me elaborate.
>>> Supposed we are in Bangkok, Thailand,  and we want to go to the fish
>>> market.  What do we do first?  Of course the easiest thing to do is to call
>>> a cab, right?
>>> I would do that for sure, saves me lots of time.  There will be price to
>>> pay of course, and if by unfortunate twist of event we caught one of those
>>> "swindler" driver who drives around in circles just for the sake of getting
>>> the most of your wallet's content, well, tough luck.
>>> Or we could get ourselves a map first, then called a cab....As long as
>>> the driver drives generally in the "right" direction, we should not care too
>>> much of which street he is taking, or we'll miss all the beautiful scenery
>>> in the process and hey, you are in Thailand, mind you!
>>> That's what TA is for me. The map.  We don't want to go south when the
>>> fish market is up north, do we?  But we also do not want to hold that
>>> map too tight and too close to your eyes that you can not see anything else
>>> around you.  You want to travel, or trade in this matter.  Look at the map
>>> to make money, don't look at it just because you like all the beautiful
>>> lines on the map.  If you want beatiful lines, go get yourself expensive
>>> paintings, and stay at home.
>>> Sincerely Yours, Yohan Arsianto

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