Hi Nugget --

Try this:

//    BuyAtANewHigh.afl
//    Buy if today's high is at least 1% higher than yesterday's high

TargetPrice = 1.01 * Ref( H, -1 );
Buy = H > TargetPrice;
BuyPrice = TargetPrice;
Sell = BarsSince( Buy ) >= 2;



On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 6:10 PM, nuggettrader <matti.vat...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> I need to know how to specify a different buy price than C,O,H,L,AV in
> Backtester AFL code. I use TeleChart end of day data. For example I want to
> buy if and when a stock tops yesterday's High by 1%. In other words if
> today's High is at least 1% higher than yesterday's High then I would get a
> buy signal at some time during the trading day regardless if the stock
> closes 1% or more higher or not. How do I code this in AFL?

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