
There is a bit of talk going on in the AMIRC channel and I-Amiga about

Recently (here in Oz) I bought the "latest" Amiga Active mag.

There is an interesting artical in it on page 58 about security.

Neil, you did a good job there.

My database was not that good.  I updated it to what you suggested.

Oh, if anyone is interested, the URL for checking you machine's security is:


I had a bit of trouble reading it in the mag' telling the difference between
o and 0's, etc.

Now, when I went there, the URL said that I should NOT have the INETD open.

Skimming the artical, I can't find that for which I am looking, so I will
take that I read it else where.

I am sure I read that it is better to have it open than closed.

I am just mentioning this, as it *IS* a problem.

Luckily we Amiga people didn't have to contend with that "I love you" virus.
 But hacks, and the like, ARE ever possible to even our machines.

Would someone more understanding of what it is all about mind explaing the
(I have probably called it the wrong thing, but I am sure those lettes are
in it somewhere)  :)

And if there is someone who can explain to me all these terms that are being
used in that discussion about being flooded.


'spoofing packets'
'using virtual hosts'
'few icmp request or ping floods'

I am just trying to understand what is being said.

Thank you very much in advance for the help / information.

Sybil was a multi user.

Andrew Bruno

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