>  I'd love to see 'colored nicks' feature in AmIRC.
>  Thats the only one I miss from X-Chat...

>  Heres how it works:
>  Every user has assigned its color from predefined palette based on
>  hash/crc of his host.
>  That way you can easily recognize who said what and see hows
>  conversation going without need to carefully read nicks.

>  AmIRC already supports colors in channel window, so that should be
>  easy to implement...

I think that would be a nice feature too. But what about the problem
of changing IP's?!?
My hostname (c-cf8470d5.038-8-6b73641.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se)
changes when my IP changes :-(

Better to use the host username them... I don't know..

All greetings from Deniil:
    - The Amiga Spirit will live forever and ever.. .  .   .

 Business: http://www.onyxsoft.nu/
 Personal: http://www.algonet.se/~deniil/

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