Good afternoon Roger and all................

Your brief comments about licencing and the BBC brought to mind the certification decals I've encountered on three of my early English Crystal Sets. Each of the sets have not only the BBC decals, but the serial numbers are "stamped" into the wooden cabinets. The sets were truly "licensed" and registered when purchased. One of the crystal sets had a nice surprise tucked neatly inside. It was a B.B.C.A.A. (British Broadcasting Corporation Assurance Association) Wireless Policy. An insurance policy that provided limited coverage for damages incurred by lightning where an outside Aerial was deployed. This particular policy was never completed by the owner and is intact. No mention of the premium amount was given but it was for a period of six months. Coverage was increased when a W.L.A. (Wavelength Lightning Arrestor) was installed at the same time as the aerial. The address for the BBCAA was 825/826 Salisbury House, London Wall, E.C. 2

A small, but fine book on early British Wireless design is "The Cat's Whisker" by Jonathan Hill. Some very nice photos and a nice anthology of wireless broadcasting in England. It even has the history of the BBC stations beginning with London (2LO) on 361 metres and continuing through THIRD PROGRAMME on 460 metres in 1946.

Thanks, Roger, for sharing your comments..........definitely not boring.

Best 73 de W4MIL


-----Original Message-----

From: Roger Basford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Sent: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 4:37 am

Subject: [AMRadio] Re: Artificial Aerial Licence


Message: 1

Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:45:36 -0500

From: "D. Chester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [AMRadio] Re: Artificial Aerial Licence

To: <>


Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";


I never could figure out why a licence was ever required to work a

transmitter into a non-radiating load.

Don k4kyv

Hi Don and Co,

Well, what you have to remember is that after the introduction of radio in
the early part of the 20th Century Britain and the US went completely
separate ways with control and legislation. In the US, cable and radio
companies were private concerns, profit-making. In the UK, all
communications by cable and post were under the control of the General Post Office (GPO). When radio came along, the GPO took over the administration of the new medium and issued licences to all services, including amateurs. The whole ethos was of control, and not profit, from the outset, so it's not suprising that the GPO required a licence to allow one to build and test a
transmitter, even into a dummy load.

Yes, there was a licence required for domestic radio reception; I can't
remember when it was revoked but certainly you needed one when I was a kid and also, at one time, a separate one for a car radio! You must remember that there were no large-scale commercial broadcasting in the UK until about
the 1970s; as a kid I listened to pop music on Radio Luxembourg on 208
metres, because the BBC stations didn't play pop in any quantity. The spur
to change all this came about in the mid 60s, when a bunch of pirate
stations sprang up from ships and abandoned anti-aircraft forts off the UK coasts. These stations were a huge success and forced the BBC into launching a modern mass-appeal radio service. There is still a requirement to have a licence for TVs here; if you buy a TV in the local mall, the law requires the seller to inform the authorities of your address. If no TV licence is known at that address under your name, then expect postal harrassment and a visit from the "Detector Van"! The licence is about $275/year and goes to finance the BBC, even if you only watch non-BBC stations you still must have
a licence.

Having said all that, from a ham's point of view the situation has got much easier in the 42 years I've been licenced. Things are lot more easy-going and sensible changes to regulations are generally made without too much fuss and hassle. The UK radio spectrum management in now done by an outfit called
OFCOM, having passed from the GPO, through the Home Office and The
Radiocommunications Agency "in my time".

Hope this isn't too boring!!



Message: 2

Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 12:59:03 -0400

From: "Ed Sieb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: RE: [AMRadio] Re: Artificial Aerial Licence

To: "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service"




Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

It's the UK Don.  _Everything_ is regulated there.



Don k4kyv wrote:

I never could figure out why a licence was ever required

to work a transmitter into a non-radiating load.

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