
I feel your pain.

Five years ago I had the same problem.  Newer developments near where we 
lived at the time had CC&Rs which banned all types of overhead antennas 
except for commercial satellite TV.  We about had one development talked 
into letting me erect a simple nearly hidden antenna, but then their 
lawyer said "no."  Their sales people could not believe that I then 
backed out of the deal.

So two years ago, we relocated to Montana, big sky country, and a 
subdivision where the covenant contains no bans on antennas.  A 
contractor had just finished building a very nice speculation home and 
we bought it along with the 5 acres it sits on.  Because of mountains 
all around, the propagation angles are not perfect, but its good enough.

I'm now in the process of building my satellite station.  The M2's are 
going up on a 33 ft UStower crank up.  It needs to be that high to clear 
my buildings and have a clear shot at all horizons.  I'll also use the 
tower to hang some wires for h.f. bands.

Not only no covenant restrictions on antennas, no local zoning 
ordinances against them either.  It's great; just ask any of the many 
who have received my QSL card from DN27, a rare grid in a rare state.

73 and good luck with concealing your antennas.

Larry, W7IN
Plains, Montana 

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