Stations located in JA and neighboring nations will be able to hear
the lunar landing 40th anniversary special downlink, voice messages
and robot 36 SSTV picture which are same as transmitting over North
America and Europe.

Please watch AO-51 435.300MHz FM downlink passes over JA. Special
downlink will transmitt 20th evning and 21st mornig in JA. QSL will
issue from AMSAT-NA. QSL info is shown on the web site.

JA6PL and some othre stations support this event.

Thank you, Drew and the AO-51 operations group!

Masa  JN1GKZ

>If there is a station or two there with excellent L band uplink capabilities 
>who would like to relay the audio for us, we can do it. Email the ao51-modes 
>list and myself if you would like to volunteer. The same goes for JA or 
>anywhere else.
>73, Drew KO4MA
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Roland Zurmely" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 8:08 PM
>Subject: [amsat-bb] AO-51 Control Team News
>"July 20
>AMSAT-NA will mark the 40th anniversary of the first manned lunar landing
>with a special event on AO-51. AO-51 will transmit a message commemorating
>the event Monday, July 20 during evening passes in the U.S. and Europe. The
>message will be transmitted on the 435.300 MHz FM downlink and will contain
>a Robot 36 SSTV image as well as a voice message."
>>>> in the U.S. and Europe <<<
>Why not in south america ?
>We have a lot of stations that would like to hear the message and to receive 
>the SSTV image !
>73 de Roland PY4ZBZ
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