I like rule number 3. I hate it when somebody calls cq while you are in 
the middle of a qso.


Eric Knaps
Waterstraat 30
B-3980 Tessenderlo

Tel. +32472985876 (mobile)


OZ1MY schreef:
> Hi all in Europe,
> It is obviously about time to repeate a few 
> good points about operating via the FM repeater 
> satellites.
> 1. Do not transmit if you can not hear it
> 2. When the satellite is busy - limit the number of QSO's to ONE
> 3. Do not call over an ongoing QSO
> 4. A valid QSO just needs the call and the report
> 5. Give way to weak stations like /p and /m 
> 6. Allow DX-peditions to make as many QSO's as there are callers
> That was the short version :-)
> I have a long version in English, Italian, Russian, Spanish and French.
> I can send it to you if you want it. Could use a few other languages 
> like Greek, Polish and others.
> It would be nice if you can get it in your national journals.
> And please no flames !
> 73 OZ1MY
> Ib
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