I think that typically on FM repeaters, you should be able to understand the 
letters being spoken as easily as phonetics since there is usually so little 
noise on a local FM repeater as compared to a satellite signal where you are 
dealing with fading and QRM much of the time. BTW, thanks again for all your 
help during the Symposium.

Dave, AA4KN

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Samudra Haque N3RDX" <>
To: "Tony Langdon" <>
Cc: <>; "Gary Lockhart" <>; "Eric 
Knaps,ON4HF" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 5:10 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: FM satellite operations again again over Europe

I asked as I am still puzzled why in the US on local FM nets hams just
use "n,3,r,d,x" instead of "november three romeo david x-ray".

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 4:59 PM, Tony Langdon <> wrote:
> At 07:30 AM 10/14/2009, Samudra Haque wrote:
>> on a satellite QSO, is it traditional to say "A, B, C" instead of
>> "Alfa Bravo Charlie" for brevity when referring to call signs and grid
>> locators ?
> That can backfire and waste time, due to people not understanding the
> letters. For example, my callsign under adverse conditions could be mis
> heard as (heard most of the following on terrestrial repeaters or
> IRLP/Echolink, let alone on the birds!):
> And the list goes on.... ;) The overhead in asking for clarification or
> getting a correction outweighs the overhead of using phonetics in most
> cases. Once callsigns are confirmed, you can drop the phonetics (though
> usually by then, the QSO is over, so someone else can have a go ;) ).
> Phonetics are also more likely to survive brief bursts of QRM or brief
> fades.
> 73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL

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