
> Heres another vote for the Yaesu HT rigs; I use a Yaesu VX-7R and
> I appreciate being able to program a single odd band split, memory
> channel (that require no pl), then I use the memory tune (MT) function
> on the radio and turn one dial back and forth to adjust for Doppler
> and the 2 meter transmit is ready to go anytime I squeeze the PTT.
>  This set up works much better for me then 5 separate memory
> channels for every bird.  The Kenwood HT's wont let you program
> that odd band split into a single memory channel, (dont know
> about others) however sadly, Yaseu made it so you cannot pass pl
> tones in the odd band split memory channels   but of course you
> can pass pl tones in the other memory or VFO modes.

Actually, you can program PL tones in the odd-split memories on a
Yaesu radio.  You just have to program the tones with both of the
frequencies - even if you only need a PL on the transmit frequency.
Make sure the "T" is lit up for a transmitted PL when you are putting
the first (receive) frequency into the odd-split memory.

I have never tried the Memory Tune function on Yaesu HTs.  I have
a VX-8R at home, but previously had a VX-2R and VX-3R that worked
OK for satellites.  I may give that a try.  Still not a full-duplex setup, but
an interesting way to deal with tuning the receiver for the FM birds.
Another item on the "to-do" list...

> <snip>
> Sure wish we had a good full duplex, dual or tri-band, HT that had
> an excellent receiver, (worked USB on both TX and RX) and had
> the modest other functions we need to work the satellites but the
> compromised HT's are still a bunch of fun, with a portable Yagi in
> the trunk, a spare 19 minutes (including set up) and a pass
> prediction schedule, can bring a big smile to my face when I am
> out and about, in the car.

That would be nice.  Until that ever materializes, I've settled on a pair
of FT-817NDs for my all-mode full-duplex portable satellite setup.  Not
as small as an HT, but that pair of radios is certainly adequate for
what I do.  Having higher-capacity internal rechargeable packs lets
me run 5W without worrying about an external power source, or I can
plug either (or both) 817s into a 12V jumpstart battery for extended
operating time.

After setting up the 817s many times at hamfests or in the field, I don't
need much more time with the two 817s compared to using an HT or
a 2m/70cm FM mobile radio.  Hamfest demos using the two 817s on
VO-52 or AO-7 have drawn much more interest in recent times, and
they will be with me at the next hamfest I attend on Saturday (13th).  :-)



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